Serm.9. andhow to inflame it. 197 and nc ehewhat ever our fins had been, all the advantages meritedby his death tllould be made over to us. Nov when all thefe are confadered ( as by every foul that fincerely loves him,more or lefs they are) do they, not fweetly affedt with thankfulnefs, as well as love ? Chri(üan, cant± thou lookuponfach a Redeemer without Come fenfe of an obligation laid upon thy foul thereby? wilt thou think one tingle and feparare affe6tion enough for him ? or rather, will not thy heart empty it felf into the bo- fome of theLord with love and thankfulnefs bosh at once, and each of them contendingwhich fhall out-do the other ? 4. Supporting hope and confidence ; 7 is a hoping and confiding love ; 'Tis not a languishing affe&ion, but that which brings life into the foul from the fulnefs of that Chriti it feeds upon. `Perfe t love ( faith the t John 4.17. Apofil e)cgfleth out fear. There will nor be fo much as the fhadow of fear upon the foul, when this affe'`±ion is ripened intoperfedt fruition : And in the mean time, as the degrees of it do increafe, fo is the foul height- ned in its hopes,and tramples upon its former jealoufies, fears, and dif- couragements. And to this fenfcTome interpret thofe words, Rom. 8. 38,39. Who (hallfeparate to from the love ofChrifc ? Cie. As if they were the exultation of Faith upon the view of Loves Conqueut, and vi- diorious Triumph over all its enemies : Love gives confidence of ac- eels to Chrif}, and unto God by him ; and this confidence lies in the foul, as a cordial againfl all its Paintings and defpondenctes ; not that there may not be a finking of fpirits and a f n oning away for a time, but love will reulore the foul again, and knowing Chriti to begoodas well as Cant.6.i1, t all-folio-1'm for its condition, it will recover life and fpirits again, and not futfer it utterly to faint under its own fad apprehenlions. And this is the third Charmer. Take now all thefe four qualificationsof fincere love,and try your ±elves by them. 4. Charat2er. 1f our love he (incere, it's an atfediion, which refpedteth nor a n. ked Chrif , tutChrifl as Mediatour : O.', iris a hearty delire of, and complacency in Chriti in all his Offices, as King, and Priefl, and Pro- phet : And of fuch'moment is the right knowledge of this Charmter, that (Chriltian) I mull delire thee principally to Rudy ir, and pals a judgement upon thy felf thereby : For whatever fondnef?, and fudden fl.cfhingsof love thou mayeft find within thee, they will not foclearly tell thee what thou art,as the knowledge of thy felfby this mark. Take it for a clear Truth. That if thou loveib not Chrifl as thy Soveraign Lord; if thy heart benot knit to him,aa thy High Prieft with God; if thou haft not affeflio/eately >