Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

198 Jo11.14.I 5,1T. ßC 5.8.8z. I o. 1132,3314. I John 53 Luke 19.2,7. Hcb.I o.zS. Joh.14's3,24 Heb.IO.1o,1z. I Cor.1.2 Rom.8.34. rh'1.3.7,8. Canr, 8. 5, Charactersof Love to Chriji, Serm. 9. ajfeaionatey entertained him ad thy A1f1er and Teacher : Ina word, if thou art not con%crated unto God by Ont. If thou art not a loyal fabjet, and a willing Difciple, love in fncerity doth not dwell in thee : Thou art flit' an enemy, and wilt fo be. judged ; ris not fondnets of expref fíon, nor anyourwIrd complement that men puc upon Chriit, which New the Tefiamentnotion of Love to (brig, but when as loyal fubjedl;, and willing difcip,es, we are alwa;es doing the Things that aregrateful, and are obedient w him : This is love ; And hence is is,rhat in to many places, our Lord puts us upon trying our love by our obe- dience, by keeping his words and Commandments. And (-peaks of Li- bertines, Infidels, the carnally wife, Rebels and t poLtates as enemies,and haters of him, what-ever tkeir prerences are ro the contrary. verily, fo effential is this to fîncere love, that unlefs you underfiandti you will be able to give but a lame account of moll of the Scripture- , thereof ( as if I had time, I could eafilydemonfirate ) be- cl;fe they do all prefuppofe ir. Ifthou would£} know therefore whether this Grace be in thee in truth, take thy heart ( Chriftian) to Chrift in every office, and try by fuch Interrogatories, as may refult from the confederation of them ; and this will tell thee thy cafe diftin&ly. Beginfirfi with Chrifl as High Prieft ( for this did lay the foundation of the other twooffices ; and if thou haft any love to Chrift in finceri- ty, it was the fight of him in this, that firft kindled ir.) And thus be- fpeak thy felt : Didet thou ever ( oh my foul) ferioufly confider, what Chrift hath undertaken in thy behalf with the jealous God, whofe face thou couldtt not fee, and live? waft thou ever convinced, that all th prayers, duties, outward priviledges, and devotions were littleworth, and could not have ought availed thee, unlefs by his own blovei he had firfi entred within the vail, and mace atronement for thee? And then with the fame blond went afterwards to the right hand of God, and put him in mind of his Covenant, to procure actual Grace, and Peace, and Adoption for thee ? And is it a pleafure to thee, as well as thy admiration, to bealw.]ies muting, and fearching what fuch an Abyffe of grace and goodnefs fhould mean ? And in themidi} of thy mufings was ir, that thy affections firfi cook this holy fire, and were even fur- prized into love ? Js is by his Mediation that thou findeft thy expedla- tions fromGod, and thydelight in him fupporred ? And doff thou re- joyce in him, as one whofe goodnefs thou adorefl, and whofe favour with God,purchafed by his own merit, thou admirefi ? And therefore art moll willing to croft all thy concernments inhis hands ? and in all t . addref es to God comet lcani1; upon the Arms of him, as thy Be- loved