Serm.9. andhow to inflame it. 199 -------- --- loved Mediatour and Interceflour?why thus to renounce our own rig - teoufnefs, and to feel our hearts warmed into a further et}imationof his ; to attribute all our acceptance with God to him : Briefly, to be intenfively willing of Chritl, and to look upon him with full fatif- fadtion of fpint in all his Prieflly Adminifirations, This is fsncerely to love Chritl as our High-Priefl. And on the contrary, to uncervalue h s bloud, either, as needleßby prefwxnption, or ai r orthleJ by defperatirn ; to be afcribing to our selves, when we receive any kindnefs or fa- vour fromGod ,_ co doar upon our own worth, and righteoufnefs, as that which is fufñcient without eitherChriflsRighteoufnefs ,Satisfaction or Interceffion :This is interpretatively - CO reject him from beingour Heb,to,, 8,. High Priefi, and to hace the perfon of our Lord. Tnus try your felves whether love Chritl in his Prieffly Oflìce ; and when you have done with that, take thy foul to the Prophetical Office, and make a further trial, by befpeaking thy felf after the famemanner. Thus, Didfl thou ever ( oh my foul ) ferioufly confider that thou wall made for an eternal life, and that none could ever chalk thee out the way thereto, it being only to be learnt in theSchool of this great Prophet? And thereuponhilt thouwholly ceafed from liflening unto any other, and as a loving Difciple haft thou found pleafure ire feeking the Law,. ( even the word of thy Salvation ) at his mouth ? Doth thy heart rhroughly favour his Marine ? and doff thou like the Difcipline of his School ? Doll thou make it thy Rudy to know, and lay it as a charge upon thy felf, to keep the words o f this great Matter and Prophet ? T ,, And even now, that he is gone to Heaven, and hath left his word in the Scripture behind him, and hath fent his Spirit, and fet up under Officers in his School, and precious Ordinances for thy dire6tion ; dot} thou value the Scriptures above all other writings in the world ? and wirnefs thy etleem of them, by thy daily perufal,ind fludy of them ? doff thou hear a Reverence in thy breaf} to all Chritls Canc. t , Officers and Infliturions ? Doff thou account the mouth of Chrifl naß Tweet ? and even delight to hear his voice in the Scripture, and inevery Heb,z<r._ Ordinance ? and when thou haft heard, doll thou lay up what Thou half been taught as the faithful counfel of thy dearef}Teacher, and rejoyce therein ? More particeslarlj, what is thy c Irriage towards his Spirit ? doff thou hear, when he calls ? and art thou tra&able to all his Ma- lions ? doff thou grieve him, or art thou willing to be inflru &ed and guided by him ? why, thus to ceafe from leaning to our own underland- Tugs; CO give up our felves to Chritl, and his Spirit in the Scriptures, and in all the Ordinances of the Gofpel, to be ferious and wil- ling