Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

200 Rotn.6. Luke 2.4.51. Alts Chardaers of Love to Chrift, ling D'iciples of Chrifi ; This it co loveChrifl as our Prophet in finceri_ t y. is the fecond office. Once more to make the trial by this mark Cotmp!eat,and that will refpedt his Kingly office: And this is as eafe, as either of the former ; for our loyaltyand voluntary je 1ionto Chrift, as commanding, and governing, this is love ; And thehearts rebellion againti Chrill, tejeCting his dominion, murmuring againfi his Laws, finding fault with his adminillrations, difturbing his fubjec}s ; and dif_ quieting the peace of his Kingdom, envying him the multitude of his iubjeas, and yielding no obedience to his comtnands ; all thefe are fe- v,;ra1 branches of enmity againfl Quiff as King, and Soveraign. Put the cafe therefore home to thy own foul, if thou wouldefl not be mina- ken, and fay,Dorh Chrifi rule within thee (oh my foul ) or dothfe1f,and Satan ? Art thou glai wich his Sovereignty, or is it the yoaIZ thou can[ not bear ? do the Lacy, of his Kingdom bear fway within thee, or is it the Lawof thy members, and carnal felf ? whenboth come in competiti- on, whofe command doll thou in the courfe of thy life moll commonly fulfill ? whole Kingdom art thou molt delighted in the advancement of ? Is it a pleafure co thee, that thy Lord do:h reign, and that his Throve is moreuniverfally exalted ? or elfe dothlthy heart rife againfl the advancement of Chrills Kingdom? Inwhom dolt thou find thygrea- retl delight ? is it rather in the company of Rebels, that would pull the Crown from the head of Chrifi, than in the humbleand obedient fub- jens of thy Lord ? doll thou take Chrifi tobe thy Prince and Soveraign? and doll thou love thepeace and gloryof his Kingdom, as becomes an obedien fubjecrl of fo great a Lord ? why this is intenfively to will Chrá- fium Regem, or to love him as King. And this is the third Office, and the fourth Charaò}er. If you would snake Pure work, this is a Rule which will not deceive you. 5. Charatler. If we have a fellomfhip with Cbrill in his honours anddiíhonours, or in his .oyes and forrows, then is our love not feigned unto Chrifl, but in 1încertty. True-love (if I may be allowed fo to (peak) mi.ueth ccn- cernmentS; mymeaning is, that it makes anothers joyes and forrows to be mine, as well as his : they may write hatredupon :hem(-elves, who are regardlefs whether it go well or ill, wi ;h Chrilisintereflsin the world. No communion with Christ, no /eve. Even the perfonal re- proaches and ahufes, which Chrifi indured here below, though fo mr- ny hundred years fince, do yet affeEt them, and they that lovehim, have a fympathy with him in them. Neither is it his joy alone that he was perfonally advanced by being raifed again from the dead, and taken Serm.9.