Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.9 andbow; ár a its 4 -_ a0L taken up to glory, to fit therein at the right of God, but theirs alfo :z Tell a loyal wife, that her husband is honoured, and her heart will leap at the tidings, that ale brought to her. , Tis.goodhews to love-lick fouls to hcar that Chrill is now. in Glory; they favour the advancements of their Lord, according to thofe words of Chrill hintfelf to his Apo- files ; Ifye laved me, ye moald rejoyce, becatefe 1 go to the Father, for my Father is greater than 1, Joh.14.28. They are glad by Faith to fee the San of Righteeufnefs after a dark and cloudy morning in his Meridian john.a, o.w Altitnde. They dye, and are crucified withChrill in his death, Rosa. 6.3. Gal.2.19. And they .feel a reviving of themCelves in the Re- furreaion of their Lord ; and hence it is Paid of them, that they are quickned together with him, Ephef. 2. s. and that. they fit together in heavenly places with him, Eph.t.2o. We read of 211,47y, that the John a with went weeping to the grave of her Lord, but hearing that he was arofe, Mari 8.a theCame away rejayciag : And no otherwife was it with his Difciples. Chrifi loth not triumph alone in his Aicenfion, but all fuch as love him, (hare therein together with him. And as they (hare with Chrill in his perfonal joyes and troubles ; fodo they no lets, when any ofhis conccrnments in the world, doeither profper, or elfe are trampled upon and clouded. 'Tis as the arrows of death to fee eitherhis Laws, Pfaí.q1,te. Ordinances, Officers or Subjeas trampled upon. The reproaches of & 69 the rebellious world reproaching their Lord fall upon them, and are as fo many darts flruck into their own fouls. This is that, which fuccef- fively feeds their joyes and forrows, that it goes well with the Militant Church here below, or that a cloud of difpleafure and perfecution is fpread over ir. 6. CharaLter. Where love to Chrill is fincere, there Chria is accounted by the foul to beits Treafure ; and there is a longing dcfire in every fuch foul of the neareft communionwith him : I put both there together, though there be a very clear ditiinc`lion between them, for brevity ; it is a truly conjugal love, which can neither bear with diilance, nor brook any Rival. And this is the meaning of theSpoufe in that double ex- preffìon, calling him he hicfefl of tenthefands, and profeffing him be altogether lovely. The foul that loves Chrill, may love other things, mad etleem them lovely; but the will fay of none, that they are al- together lovely, but only of her Lord. When one asked Alexander to thew him his Treafure, the report is, that he pointed to his friend Epheftiou ; the Treafureof a foul that fincerely loves Chrill, is Chriff himfelf [Deus mews eft omnia, or ] my God is my all, faith the foul, that D d loves