20$ ChArgeleff of Love to Chrifi__ Serm.9 loves God as his ultimateend. Hence is that of David, Pja1.73.2 5 Whom have I in Heaven but thee, and who is there on Earth, that I de f'e befides thee ? [ Chriftu, mew eft omnia, or ] my Chrifi is my all, faith the foul, that is upon inquiry how to find acceptation with God. Whence is that of Paul, `Doubtleß! count all things 6ur loß for the excellency of the knowledge of Chrif, Phil.3.8. 'Tis the proper Motto of a Love -tick foul Nonebut Chrifi : The fincerity of a Chriílians love lies in giving a pre_ heminence to the Redeemer, whom it loves above every thing eife. The foul that loves Chriíl,values nothing in comparifon of him,no nor leis osvn benefits. [ Meretriciwe amor eft, plats acv ulum, gram ikon ftsm amare, or] It is a note of a Harlot, toprefer the portion before theper- fon. Arid that is a no lets true than noble fpeechof thedevout A.KCm. pis [ Nobilis amator non quiefcit in dono, fed in Chrifta fuper on domino; or ] The Worthy and Noble Lover values not Chriff fo much by what he brings, as by what he is himfelf. The foul that loves Chrifi, loves Or- Cant.z.4. dinances, becaufe they are the banquettixg-horefe of her Lord, wherein íhe is often refre(hed by him ; file loves the Priviledges of the GQfpel, Cant.44,E4c< becaufe they are the Purchafeof her Lords blond ; She loves her own Graces, becaufe they are the rare Ornaments which Chriti hath put upon her to render her beautiful, and fir her for his own imbraces ; and yet after all, her language to Chriíl is, Not Thine, but Thee She wild not fo value them, as to forget him, that gives them ; Chriíl is her Center, and therefore fhevrefis not, but will lay by, and through all to come to him ; She can fcarce forbear a fit of Impati- ence fometimes to think of that diíiance that is (lilt between them. See Cant.8.14. Make hafte my Beloved (faith the Spoufeto Chrifi there) and be thou like to a Roe, or to ayoung Hart upon the Mountains of Spices; And fuch another Ejaculation is that, Revel.e2.17,ao, where the whole Church is brought in crying to Christ, Come Lord ?elm, come quickly : While our hearts dwell below upon the thick Clay,and have nodaily delres to fend forth ( ac Dovesfrom the Arke ) for communion with Chri(l, There is little figs of lincere love to him. 7. CharaL1er. We may know our Sincerity in love, by the value we put upon ®arfelvei, a; well as upon Chrifi ; if our intereíi in Chrifi be the Rolle by which we value our felves, that will argue true love; when this makes ir day in our fouls, that Chri(i (miles upon us, and on the other fide, when this fpreads the darknefs of the night over us, that he hides his