z Sam.i3.a. I King.z Heft. 5.i 3. Mati o.3 7. Flev,IZ.II. Joh.i 3. 5,6,14. Cant, i.7. Charatters of Love to Chráf>r, 9. Charaíler. There will be a Willingnefs to part with Allfor him : Howmany good- ly things do perfo.ns of all forts contemn for force one thing, which they love ? Amnon, Ahab, and Haman, are three great examples of this ; Take but one in(lance, and it (hall be of a Covetous man ; why, he difregirds all the learned accompli(hmenrs in the World, for a littlegain ; He thinks himfelf better, when he hach got that which comes out of the Bonelf of the Earth he treads on, than that which comes from the Mantîon houle of God, in the Heaves above him ; and therefore,how familiarly, and eaíily will he pare with the one co choofe the other ? no bonds of nature or religion, are enough to r:ilrain him; fis the refolucion of a foul that loves Chrifi, that nothing fhall part them, they are habitually Martyrs al>;eady , and if he put them to it-, 'cis not life it [elf that they will account tooprecious to lay down for the fake of him. All the waters, and flood.; of perfecution, temp- tation and affliction (hall not quench their flames of love, Cant.8.7. C q Witnefs thole words of Ignatita I ' ip.yisáup:s, &c. or ] let fire, crois, &c. and all the torments, which by amen or beafis can be Infli- eted on my body, yea, and add to them, what all the Devils in hell can do upon ir, if it were by folemn fextence of E.}conomres,icatiòn delivered to them, yet would Igo through them all,co come to the bofomeofmy Lord. r o.Characfer. There will bea willingnefs to (loop to the me.rnefl offces, for the fer- vice of Chri(i ; love ( we ufe to fay )ta;fdsnot with Majefly ; it did not do fo in the perfon of our Saviour, when he wafhed and wiped his di- fciples feet ; and thofe that lovehim will not think it much to conform to his example; theywill not chink they can ever (loop coo low for the fake of him, Joh,ai.r,s. II Chara57er. If is flicks not barely in the perfon of Chrift, but reacheth to 41, that have an union with. him ; if it be toChri(} myflical, as well as perfo- nal ; if you love their perlons, their graces, their fellowíhip, &c. Tellme (faith the Spoufe ) where thorn caufefl thy flack! to refs at Noon, She delights to be led forth with them into the green.Paf res of his or- cränances, and to feed together with them ; If file hach any thing, it's all theirs, who have an equal inrere(l in Chri(i with her fell, the will make ufe of her graces, fubfance, and all, that fellow-members may be refrefhed. It makes them of Catholick fpirits. The Apo(Ile is peremptory, and brandech them all as lyars, that pretend to the one .SerM.9