Serm.9. aidhow to inflate it. 1®7 Gofpel, catlinga fcornupon thegrace of all the three perfons, and not ib much as acknowledging what was done by them, as worthy the lead acceptance; it writes vanity upon all the promifes,and is a, tefiratiox to the defignof Chriil in that Noble Difpenfation,therebeing nothing that hedid more aim at, than to tefiifie his own, and his Fathers love to us, john 3.I'. and to recover from us our love to them again. Joh.i.3. 2.It is interpretatively aconfederacy with Satan againfi God and 02r-ill; The proper and grand wickednefs of the Devil, being his oppofition to Mat.6.z4. the defign of God in glorifying himfelf by the falvation of mankind A }S 13.1 o. through Chriii, which yet fo far,as we are haters of Chriil, we are in our Heb.z o._8. meafure guilty of, as well as he. 3. It is a complicatedfin ; many fins inone. Such as are foul ingrati- tude ; Rebellion, it being the eatingoff the Soveraignry of a Rightful Lord : Cruelty to Chrifl,and as it were, a kicking him upon the bowels, a Chriflicidinm.; and to our felves, Prov.8.36. the tearingout our own bovvels,with our ownhands, fpiritual uncleannefs and adultery, it being James 4.4. a treacherous revoking from Chriil after profeffion of Marriage to him. +it is afin which opens the door toall irickedxefs, Reffiance of the Spi- rit,contempt of the Gofpel, and them that bring it, ileighting of Ordi- Jolla 5. 8,r 9. nances, Treafon againfi Chriil as King, and implacable bitternefs and enmity againfi his fubjeCls, andchildren. 5. It is an Irrationalfan, or fuch for which there cannot be the leafl Cant.i.13,r4, Apology; becaufe Chri1f was lovely in himfelf, did much to ingage our 5.9.aá Id. hearts to him, earnetlly intreared us to place our affe&ions upon him, fending his meflengers toweoe us,beflowing gifts upon us, like a King, I Pet.I.4 to oblige us, and makingal:notl incredible offers of much more that he would do for us,yea, finally, threatning us even with Anathema Mara- natha, I Cor.16.22. If wewithhold our hearts from him ; And can fuch a fin after all this be extenuated ? 6. It is afin broughtforth, and nurfed by the foulefi abominations,fuch as I Cor.,.e. fpiritteal darknefs,and ignorance,Notorious Infidelity,as to thedottrine joh5.43,4.4, of the Gofpel, Horrible Pride, Self-righteoufnefs, Idolatrous and car- 47. Dal Self-love. 7. It isa fin againfi all our Covenants and ingagements, efpecially our Eaptifmalbond,wherein we did folemnly promife ChriR our heares,and that in apparition to all others ; the bondof Chritii an Ingenuity, Self-1 Car.I r .2. love, and proper Interefl, Profeonand Relation, as we bear his Name in the world. 8. And latily, Ir is a fin utterly sncoatf:fient with the pretenceof any one A