ao8 Charettios of Love lo ChriJ$, Serm.9. one trace in the foul ; it being impotlible, that any thing (hould pro per, wh ;.re this steed hashonce felted and rooted is felf ; you may as will ex- pea to find branches without a Root, as thegraces of the Spirit Nichouc love : 'Thus very briefly you have an account of the danger of being without love to Chrifl, from the nature of the fin. 2. I argue is from theTerrour of the Punifhrent : And certainly the ufi God hash proportioned the evil of this, to the quality of that. Stu- dy well chefe few places of Scripture, 7oh.3.19. Mar.21.41. Heb.z. 3. & 0. 28, 29. & 12.2 5. Rev. 2. & 3. throughout. Oh the ter- rours of the Lord, that will one day be heapedupon the haters of his Son ! See Rev. 6.16. But we need net look any further for this mat- ter, than into the awakened confcience of a Rebel again!} Chrif} in a fit of defperation : what ,Scorpion-lafhes doch fuch a mans confciencegive him ! Oh the heat of this burning Caldron ! wich . what rage and fury doch it break forth on every fide, untill the foul is even becomea Hell tc is felf 1 And wouldefi thou not love Chrift ( will inraged confcience then fay ) fo lovely in himfelf, and fo full of love to thee ? Couldef} thou fee him fighing, bleeding, fveating, dying for thy fake, and yet not love him ? Couidea thou fpurn at fuch bowels, and contemn fucks prodigious mercy ? and that when this love would have opened to thee the doorof glory-?-how great ? how infinite glory ? and when the rejec`}ing of it would infallibly plunge thy foul intomifery ? how dreadful, how inrollerable ? was ever madnefs like chine, oh my foul, will confcience fay ? certainly Hell is coo eafie a punilhmenc for fuck a Serpent, fuch an Incarnate Devil as thou art; well may God rejoyceto be avenged on fuch a wrench as thee, and make thee to drink up the very dregs of his Indignation; while others that dwell in God, (hall dwell in love, oh how will God benothing elfe, but fury; and wrath and vengeance to thee ? Thou (halt one day ( and that day fuch as ne- ver (ull have an end) hear,uf}ice call upon O.Tmnipotency fill to add more flame to thy torment ? Thus confcience will look backward, and forward, and even wreak it felf with the moll difmal flaming lan- guage, that it can find our, upon the haters of Chriff ; And is not that a dreadful tin, which (hall thus fet a man ,sgainfi him- felf? and put a fword into the hand of cruel confcience to cleave the foul in peeces ? And is not that a dreadful punifhment, when a man (hall become his own Accufer, Yatdge, and Executioner ? When confcience (hall burn fo hot within a man, that he !hall be a rerrour to himfelf, and an ete,nal amazement ? And yet alas what is all this to the 'immediate impreons of the wrath of God upon the foul ? when