Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm.9 . andhow to inflame it. when he that bath Paid rexgeance is mine, and 1 will repay, (hall grafp the Heb.2.o.3c. foul in his dreadful hand : which might be farther Improved, and be dernonftrated to be Incomparably the forell part of the puniíhment ; but I come to the fecond particular, which was to lay down force mo- ving Confiderations, to provoke fuch as love themfelves,to love Chrif?; and betides the particulars laß mentioned, Confider t.Who it is that I plead for this day : Sirs I do not call you to doat upon thick clay, filth, and vanity : I do not plead to gain your hearts to one that is not worthy, or bathnot deferved that you fhould place your affections upon him if you can make either of thefe mani- fefl, hate him and fpare not ; but I plead for one who is t. glorious,and excellent, ifyou doubt it read his Chara&er, Coo. 5.9. What fayefl thou now,is he not altogether level)? is there any blemifh to be found in aim? and if thou miflruließ the Judgement of the Chtarch,fure thou cant} not do u5tof Gods ; Hear his fentence, Mat.3.1 y. This ie my beloved Sox, in whom lam well pleafed.Heknew ofwhom he fpare, for he was his Son; and he doth not fay, he was pleafed with him only, but well-pleafed, i.e. delighted, ( See Prov.8.3o.) and fatisfied. And was he worthy of Gods kve, and dolt thou doubt, whether he hash deferved thine? z. Confider, he is one that died for thee ; fir+ to purchife thy love,and fnce is gone to Heaven, where yet he doth not ceafe to call upon thee, and Invite thee to be(low thy heart upon him ; werehe excellent, but proud, it would be little to thy advantage ; But he (loops, and wooes, and intreats thee. 'Tis a day of the Gladneßof his heart whenhepre- m.55.1; vails but with else fedto clofe with him : And all the rage of his perle- Luke a 5.2o; tutors did not grievehim more,than you will if youBand it out again+ Alts 9.4. him. 3. Confider,he is one that bath the power ofthy life and death inhis John.5.zi,z6, ownhands ; and this is one part of hisCovenant, upon which thy life or deathdepends; as offered in the promife, fo he waits, but as love is theCondition offt, fo if thou hearkene+ not, thou lore+ thy (hare therein, and what thouchoofe+,be it life, or death, thou (halt Certain- ly have. 2. Confider, what it is I plead for ; why, all that I ask is love, and will youdeny Chri+ that ? I call thee to thin, well of Chri+, to def:re him, to take complacency in him ; to breath after union and eternal communion withhim ; And which of there doll thou think too much for fuchan objet ? or where unit thou place them,more fitly than up- on him ? what is heworthyof, if not of this ? did ever death content it felf with flach a recompence ? was ever any debt eafier paid ?any fer. vice fo eafilyperformed, as this, only to love ? bath God made Chri+a E e King, 209