Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

21ío Charmers of Love to Chrifi, King,Prie(1, and Prophet, and is chat all which thou muff do,to partake of his lave in him, to love him in thole relations, and wilt chou flick at this ? Haft thou any other way to the boforae of God but by him ? and yet rather than chou wilt come thitherby lave, wilt thou damn thyfocal by hating Chrif ? is not the en joÿmenc of God, worth t he, labour oflove ? z Ther.t.3. (hall all go, rather than be Pavedby love to thy Redeemer ? 3. Confider what he will do for thee, if thou arc a (incee lover of him ; He comes nor to Court thee, and flatter thee to thy lofs, but his reward is great, and he brings it with him. Giveme leave to tell thce forne particulars thereof ; if thou wilt love him, he will betroth thee Hof.z.t9i1o. to himfelf in dearefi love ; He will be thy Bridegroom, and thou Eph.5,31, (halt be his Bride ; 'Tis toc all thy filthy garments, Boggs, or Po verty that (hall hinder, but he will be to Thee the Covering of thine G:n.zo.16 eyes: And a gladnefs of heart (halt thou be unto him, Zeph.3.17. Rev.z r.9. Thou lhalt be the Joy of Chritl himfelf, for as the Bridegroom rejoyceth lfa.6z,5, over the Bride, fo (hall the Lord thy God rejoyce over thee. 2. He will dwell with thee. John 14.23,24. Husband and Wife dwell together, 14137.13. and fo Both the betrothed foul and Chritl. I in them, and they in me, faith Chritl ; Now this is a privi ledge, which carries many in the womb Rev,3,10. of it, fuch are rhefe : t. Intimacy and daily familiarity, Chrift and Eph.5.13. Chrillians, take their meals together; there is no Communion fo near, as that which is between them. O.neJJirir, I Cor.6.1 7. a. Maintenance, I Tim. 5.8, and provifa'on. He is worfe than an Infidel, that provides not for hid own houfe. All that live under the fame roof with Chritl, have their daily 136.13.5. bread provided for them at his charges; and he hath faid, that he will never leave them. 3. Protec`lion, every mans houfe is his Catile, they are under fafe Covert that dwell withChritl. 4. Counfel, guidance, a Pet.3.7, and dire&ion : This great Husband dwels with all his family according to knowledge, for he teachech them all hid Secrets, and jhews them ha Pfal.a5.14. Covenant. 3. He will Interco thee in all his own Riches, Ptsrch.efes, Poffeffons, and Dignities ; together withhis perfon, he offers Heaven Rom.8.i 7. and Earth fcr a Dowry. All things are his by purchafe, and thou (halt i Cor.3.zz,z3. be a Copartner or Coheir with him, when thou art efpoufed to him. 4. He will manifefl the highefl Indulgence, and tendernej?towards thee. ß,54.7,8. Nov all thy cross walkings (if through temptations it hall fo fall out ) !hall put him upon any more than a momentary departure from thee; i'fa1.89.33. for he bath refolved that his faithfulneß towards thee (hall never fail, and therefore when thou feeme(c almofl loll, and ready to defpond, he will return to thee again,and the more time he hash loft byabfence,the Canr.6.3. more full will his heart be of ravi(hing love and affeaions to thee. 5.He