Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. T. and exatily confclentioua ? it 2. unnatural, and 3. of all unrightcoufnefs. Cut}ome of finning, takes away confcience of finning. For Cure. Serioufly fet your felves againft thofe peculiar waits of Cure. finning which have brought you to this. You know them, there's not a- ny one that path a feared Confcience, but hedoth ( or eafily may) know how it came fo, your work (in force refpeuq) is not fo large as in cafe of the fleepy Confcience,'cis but one or two forts of fins that are eminently mifchievous to your fouls in this cafe, though a feared Confcience is worfe than a fleepy Confcience, yet as 'cis more eafily difcernable, fo 'cis but reafonable you fhould more fpeedily and vigoroufly fet upon the cure,take heed of accountingany fin fmall k, left at Taft you account k crtm cceperit not any fin great ; will commend one Text toyou, and clofe this par- quis dicere;quid ticular, Ez,ek,z4.I 3,14. In thy filthineß u lewdneß, becaufe Ihave pm-- ell - > erbut ,r. ged thee and thou wag not purged, thou (halt not be purgedfrom thyftlthi- tres facto ?--Ex nef?any more ; till Ihave cantedmy fury to refi upon thee : 1 the Lordhave hoc, quid id, fpoken it, it fhabrcome to paß, and Iwill do it, Iwill not go b,ac(¿, neither quid illird --- will I fpare, neither will I repent, &c. Sirs, God hath been your Ply- senfain incipit fitian, hath ufed I variety of remedies : ifnothing will prevail,but you isa eo etratio will induf}rioufly finge your Confciences to make them fenfelrß, as fure graviera prela as God is true, he will m make you fenfible of your fin by everlafting bi, r fic dean - burnings. ceps in I forbear inlargement,becaufe in the followingcafes about the Mor- Pefea. am in tifcation of beloved lufis, about relapfes, and how CO check the firfl ri- fdenfbrlitatern r fangs of fin, you will havefuitable dire}ions to make your brawny Con- cuecradte rt levia, fciences render. I proceed therefore to thofe kinds of Confciences, quaad levia none elfe will fpeak to, vit. punt-eft. virtutes e pec- cata ii parvis i'ncipiunt, &c. Doi othtus B. P. T.4. p.769. I Ira(tzr medici, qui pXtridisnon pareit carnibus non parcit,ut parcat : crudelis efl, Mt mifereatur. Hieron. ìs loc. mMy fury to rat] i.e. fait bobcat, quad ampligs faciat, etc. Sanelius in loc. III. An erringConfcience ° is that which judgeth otheraaife then the thing às. Confcience is fometimes deceived through ignorance ° of what is right, by apprehending a falte rule for a true, an errour for thewill of God : Sometimes through ignorance of the fafp, by mifapplying a right rule to a wronganion ; Confcience evil informed cakes humane tra- ditions and falfe do&rines,propofed under the Phew of divine authority tobe the will of God ; a famous inftanceyou haveof this in jeroboams P cafe, he fears that if the people fhouldgo up to facrifice at 7erufalen, then he fhould lofe his kingdom, this puts him upon enquiry, whether there Chould not be a double SanEfuary, as well as a double Kingdom : C 2 hereupon The Erring Confcience. nArnef. de conf. i.t.c.4.p.8. o Dickfon TMe'rap.sac.l.t. c.i.p.3.§.1S p serous. p, a.catb. iffert.3.p.s44: ,., -,