t2 Howmay the be :miller(ally Serm. z hereupon a Council! is called, flittering Prophets come, they h::ve. dreams and vifions,worthy of their affe&ions, tuitable to th.e r purpofe: A decree is made, q. 4. 'cis fuf icienc that you have hitherto gone up co yerufalem,now behold your Gods,thefe calves are like the cherubirns of the Sanctuary, which are as minifiring Spirits before the face of God. (That theie calves had the fhapeOf the Cherubirns, you may gather by q Ezet+. r.t o. comparingof Scriptures,that which is called the faceof an q 9xe in one Ezek.i o.14. pl ice, is called the face of a r Cherub in the other.) This feems co the & Ezek.1.7. people a fatisfying warrant for them readily f tofollowthe Kings cons- 1 t IoGS `' mandment. I might add another inaance of the goodold Pro het who ttKing,'3.8 n P so. 9.,21,_6, was plaufbly reduced tohis bodily t delru&ion Now 'cis a, great quelli- u No guidon a on ( among the Papiffs especially ) whether and how far an erringConfci- 'neo, inulto mi- ence binds? One of their moil learned Cafuifls that I meet with, pe_ stns ab ho-Mine. rempcorily determines that the lawof an erring Confcience is not di- isreIf: r> de cosfc.l.s.c.zz. fl enfable by God himfelf : Others ±,that 'tis good to follow an erring 11555..11 Confcience,when it hath the credit of a good Confcience,and is agree- i - --ut igitur able to reafon. Others X that a righr,and an erronious Confcience both b;aum ft agore bind, though in a different refped, a right Confcience as it is conforma- fccuns.um Can- 6le tó the Law of God, an erring Confcience as it is thous ht to be the fcientiam g z;oluntariè Law of God,o right Confcience binds ßmply, ?n erronious upon afuppo- ;r vitiosè,opor- fition. Some diflinguifh ignorance into Y vincible,and invincible,and fay, ret exiflinatio that when an erronious Confcience through invincible ignorance judo hem canfcienti a eth that co be honthh which is not fo, yet that judgment is the next boy:adz of e,& rule which thewill is tofollow. Others dif}inguith ( where all men are tarn recta rati- oaeco-rgruentetm, not able to difcern the difference ) between z binding and obliging. But Azorius Mor. in fhort, they generally determine the queflion in theaffirmative, Though i,flir:l. z. fo:negrant, that though a We muff do nothing againP a true Confci- xS0 4. Clay. ence, yet we mill+ depofe an erroneous one, and go contrary to ìt. And rus Reg.li.c.4.p.8. Others b, though we muff do no :hing againtl Confcience in any cafe, 4.t 3. yet we mull not followConfcience in every cafe. The plain trtrh ic, y ¿uando CM- Erroasr cannot bind us to follow it c; an erringConfcience may fo bind, fcientta erronea that it may be a fin to go. again1 is ; but it cannever fo bind, as it may ex invincibili be a virtue tofollow it. To follow an erringd Confcience, is for the tgflO aittiaju dicat aliquid blind tanner tofollow hisblind Confcience till both f311 into the ditch. boscftum effe,.quod ho.zefium non eft, tune dims voluntatis., qui eenformise(i tali judicio,konus & boise ft"t eft, ettaint contingat objeëlrsii effe turpe, ita pa s Theologí ; ¢ probatttr, quia tune efl cosfo,mais ftæ rorml ,e,ham illud judicium eft proxima regulaq?tarn fequi debet voluntgc. Becan:T.T..Tbeol. schol. pt.z. 1xs t. t, c.4, q.7.p.zt 9. z Yerni em obligat tamer ligat Durand. lih.l.dií1.39 q 5 P443.4.7. 2 Sylveftranus in 1.1.Sent.p.139. b Nihil licet contia Confciesttiarn agere üz aliquo cafit,nec t ni ,i tenerrn, ,tilïbet fequi coafcíen.ttam (barn in quolibet cafe. Gul. Pirifieñfi1"cle vitiis da pec.p.z80.. Harris woks pr.4,43.a8, d Kobinf. Oaf. c.47p.2 i6.. The