Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serin. z andorallycenfcientdous ? 15 IV. A doubting Confcience is that which with trouble and anxiety fie- The doubting .0'ends a its judgement, not knowing which way to determine.. Doubtfulneís Confcience. ofConfcience is that ambiguity of mind which conf lis in a flanding(or a Brochm. T.r. rather in a wavering ) ballance, neither atlenting or diffenting b. To c343.p7 fpeak flri611y, a doubting c Confcience is no Confcience, but only im- properly, as a dead man may be faid to be a man. Confcience is a judg- negative mo ment of fornethiag done, or to be done: but nowwhere there's no affent, gifquepropriè, there's no judgment c, but a privation of judgment ; and therefore fo nil eft aliud; far as it.may be called a Confcience, it is an evil Confcience, at bell qualm arnbigui- troublefomly d evil, and therefore ought to be depofed. Some term tai,fi °e fLfÿ (ie'- t cona the u`uingupon a doubting Confcience tobe an a6ting betides s Co rfci- tuito i animi in eq:sili- ence ; for they cannot be faid co a& according to Confcience, becaufe brio,&c.Brefs. 'ris property none, but aquivocaly; nor do they aei againfít Conici- p.3 50. ence, becaufe Confcience permits them to a& thus and no otherwife : c Brefs. thofea&with or againfl Confcience, where the judgment of Conici- `bibs!' S lrex dubia confcicn- ence is determined, to fay this is lawful or unlawful, and he sts betdes tia addita fit Confcience, who remains flu6tuating and doubting, whether fuch a diminuensfeu thing be lawful or unlawful, and yet doth,or omits ir. Now the Apoflle alienms, band tells us f, f of faith fi By fai th therewe muí+under- alter quam ens ,What never u not rs n. adonis ¡land that perfwafaonandfectertty of mind, whereby we believe and deter- d,icitur, 8e3cs mine, that fuch a thingpleafeth, or difjaleafethGad, is lawful or forbid- Voetius pt.3. den; 'tis not fpoken of juaifyingg faith,as if men finned in eating or p.818. not eating,becaufe their fins were, or werenot pardoned ; In fhort, in d--Si all duties that belong to ra6ice we muff be unwearied/ diligent to tia tu;pi,faltic4. perceive the truth thatdoubtfulnefs may be driven h awa or the more ci - p ' Y Y e Præ.c; coafci certain knowledge we have of thole things we do, the more confident entiam we may be in the doing of them, and the more joyful after- co if wards. What therefore is the caufe of doubting that it may be fRd.nr3,1 banifhed ? 4. The Caufes of doubting,which I (hail fpeakof briefly (to fay nothing Mi ìus d. Ror oytior gran of our ignorance Í and weaknefs) are thefe Two. fidem iftam er r. Either want k, er equality of reafons,that when we payz,e and weigh plica'ut de fade things mot} impartially, yet we are not able to come to a determination lra but the mind is frill infujaence, falvtfca,âcc. Konig. ibid. i I fpeak of praEtical doubts; for of Speculatiae that proverbial fay:ng of ufiteae Silvius is undeniably truc, Cui plura nof'c datumeft, cum inajorafequi dnbia.. Platina de vit. Pint. Pij. zdi. p. 3 o8. Voet. Sel. p.828. 2. Doubts arife from forre peculiar reafons. General reafons are not `_.._ ._. . ,a