Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Seren.' and exialdyconfcientious ? 21 Thus having fpoken of chofe kinds ofConfcience that are either evil or tronblefome, and how to cure them. I now come to chofe defirable kinds of Confcience, that next to Deity and heavenly Gloryadmit no hyperbole in their commendation, viz. thegood hone'? Confcience, and the good peaceable Confcience,and how to obtain them. VII. That Confcience is good is refpe& of its integrity, which gives a The good ho- right judgment of every thing according to theword of God. I grant nett Conk. that the Law of Naturebinds k, Ecclepineal Laws bind ;, andPolitical k F.oms14 Laws bind 111, but the Wordof God is the principal rule u, whichprecifely m Mao .2 i 5 binds the confcience in regard of it's Author o ; There is one Law-giver, n 1erniapri;icï- who is able to lave and todeftroy. Fear P not themwhich kill the body, andp,ilif inaa,gtc. arenot able tokill the foul: but rather fear himwhich it able to defiroy both Kunig,P.3,4. foul andbody in hell, a James 4. z. pMat. t o.z8. VIII.That confcience is a-good peaceable confcience that excuferh g, The good quiet abfolveth r, and comfortrth fas it ought, that confcience that s pa- Confcience. cified ` by the bloud of Chrifa,that doth as Moidim a relates of a dying q' Cor.4,4. man, to whomfome fay the Devil appeared,and chewed him a parch- ' H or . ment, that was very long, wherein was written on every fide the fins t Heb.9.i4. of the poor Fick man, which were many in number : and that there u Moulin,the werealto written the idlewords he had fpoken, which made up three comfort of a quarters of the words that he had fpoken in his life and his anions Conaimunicanr, . digetled according to the Commandments : Whereupon Satan faid, p'37' Seefi thou ? behold thy vertues, . fee here what thine examination (hall be : whereunto thepoor finner anfwered, It i true Satan; but thouhaft not fee downall ; for thou fhouldeft have added,. and fee down here 6'lorv, the bloud of ?eras Chrift cleanfeth of from all our fins ;; and this alfo fhould not have been forgotten, That whofoever believeth in him fhall not p 'rifh, but have everlafiiing life. But how {hall we get fuch confciences ? Chri- flians, be but perfwaded to prac&ice thefe (or fuch) dire&ions, and your Confciences will certainly be right, and feafonably be comfor- table. I. Take heed of every fin -f, count no fin fmall X. Scrue up your obedience to everyY command to the highefl.Ferret out every fin to the t 2 Cons r, . mofi fecret Z corruption.S.Vhen you have fet your watch again(} the firft x Mat.ç.zr; x27,28. filings of fin, beware of theborders of fin, fhun the very a appearancey Mar.zz3 , of evil. Venture not upon eccaons b or temptations to fin, thole 3 8. that dare venture upon occafions as children upon the Ice {hall Rom.7.7 a1 Thef.s.zz. 6 Prov. 4. 15, 27. Facile agitar quod libenter auditor. Bern, de inter.dotn. pag. io82. c Prev.7.1: I`Tumb.t 5 s. find