2s How may we be rosiroerfallj Scrm.z. d'Ouzm;mice find there's alzraies danger,nevcr any good. Morality it felf will teach ;zonaa7aAs, 1s d you this leffon to keep clear ofevil, if ever you would either be good, 9aórcc) ,öu741 ire- Or enjoy ic,buc feeing as on the one hand,there canna: be truth of grace, h ws, 606 and truce with fin, fo on the ocher hand, while grace is imperfe&, fin 4744ír will have ( and make us feel it hark ) a Being. There's n®t a ju/l maxupon 4'06'5 4') À earththat dothgood and jiixnethnote, therefore, you xa'-s, öu II. Forthwith fee upon the/ma/ix duty of repentance, andupon every Avóms g,dreev flip into fin resew it f, fpeedily renew ir. O chat I could fnatch you «á !W 7 out of yourfiateof impenitency, and perflvade you to daily 4 1ualre- ca.u7er gcrtua pentance. To thofe'tbat are refolved to delay their repentance, I have 4 x xa9c- fometimes given counfel futable tó fuch refolurions, viz,. the next fick- PÆu o n 7" nefs thatfeizeth upon you, chide it away, tell your difcafe youcan't a- ¡.cá7rvv ßou- while le tobe 1 ck,fay to it as Paul to Fal,x g,Go thy way for tkt tinee,athem TßuFuáiwv enpi},r,erc I have a convenient feafox I wiii ca11 for thee. If death fummon thee, Plutarch *I tell it you will not obey its fummons, you have other bufinefs CO do w,u!+c than todye, you have eflates unfetled, and children unprovided for, eÉcclf.7. 2,0. and you would repent too before you dye, but you can't yet awhile. f Peccator orn- If this will not ferve'but die you muf},charge your fouls before they go nium notarum out of your bodies, not to come near the prifon of impenitent perfons, cùmfm,nec ufli chargeyour friends to lock up your bodies fo fate, or bury them fo deep, rei nifipeniten- that all the Ands in heaven may not be able to drag them to judge- tu1 .dnepies atw. Tcr- p. men-. But al s tu my Brethren ! do you not thi .k this wild counfel ? a7.1.c.t . and well you may. Yet unlefs you could do fo:nething aequivalent to g gas what this counfel amounts co, you are mad to defer your repentance. 100rá arpe;n What ! cannot I keeppain from my body, nor the ufe of reafon in my ßí©-5g0735 Soul one minute, and (hall I continue in my impenitency, that will ` Kepi damn me thevery moment of my death? I befeech you therefore for .9xpds n your own Souls fake that youmay not be guilty of the worfl felf-mur- nYxcyócsd-, Y Y. Y b v -c. der, i.e. foul-murder, fpeedily fec upon repentance. And thofeof you 10 xu414 that have repented, let your repentance daily fupplant fin, by taking it ""t"° by the heel certainly to lame it, though you cannot take it by the head 7gá thaT®-. utterly to kill it. Though we can't be innocent h, let's be paenitent, Nazienz.T.i. and bevery careful never ro return i to fins repented of. That you may orat.i 5. P."5. be ferious in both thefe. 2.3x III. Compofe thyfell to live as under Gods eye,liveas in the ( more co,fegîoñec- than) fenfibie nrefence of theJe.lous God. Remember, all thingsare cat( prefelio d f,endi, &r, naked and bare before him, you cannot deceive him, for he is infinite H,lar.in Pfal. wifdome ; you canner fly from hi in,for he is every where ; you cannot 137.P59S. bribe him, for he is righteoufnefs it fell. Keep therefore frefh- appre- henfions of God in your thoughts ; fpeak as knowing God hears you ; walk