Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm, r, And exaUly confcientiouu is 27 arrive to anyconfiderable holinefs, or peaces till we lofe d our felves in d Roceft tota- Deity,till our underflandings be fill'd with admiration, till our wills be lem dei vol"n- in a loberfenfe,divine : till our affeu`lions be, in a fpiritual fenfe, tranf- rate formi- tatem , In- porced.Whenwe can at once unriddle Gods methods of grace,& make uantiam habere- good contlruaions of Gods methods of Providence, making a fpiritual nimirum,nos to- improvement of both, then we are not far from being univerfally and tos ei offerendo, exsaly confciencious,there'syet one thing wanting,and that's implyed a lac ILag¿e in this, but it mull be eminently cxpreít. gaomodocunque X. Do all you do out of love to God. Spiritual love- fichnel is the ipfc voluerit, de fouls healthful/ell conflitution.VWhen love to God is both Caufe,Means, nobia faciat ac Motive and Endof all ourac`livity in the butnefs of Religion then the ftatuat;idq; f.te foul is upon thewing towards its refl. Then t is our love to other things "lea excepaone, regular,when the alone goodnefsof God moves us to love thern;as the e contradtFli- a b one, er nihil alone refpe ro health makes me ufe phyfick, the means bath no pro- prorfte nobis ro- per goodnefs diflinet from the goodnefs of the end; thole means which fervando.Rc -- were profitable though they remain unchanged in themfelves,yec they dericius.exerc. become unprofitable by the alone changeof theend,e.g. Health being peÌ4e 3 S,' tr.8* recovered, phyfick is unprofitable, which while we were infirm was e rtaforaboni- profitable; fowe are not to love any means without relation to the end, tras dei mower becaufe 'ciscontrary to the purityof that lovewhich we owe to God ; ad amo,em cha- for weought fo to love God, that with him, or wider him we love no- ritatis ergo pro- thing elfe, but all things only in him, becaufe otherwife wedo not love tia n, fola ra- tiofinitattsrno- himwith our whole heart. e.g. In mens loving their wives, and wives vet ad utendum their husbands; in Parents loving their children,and children their PI- pot. one Medic rents, 'cis a rare pitch to love all thefe inGod ; that is, to advance our --oemia q"R love to God by them, and fo far as anyof them draw off our love to vol"ntati ohJt- God, to fa to them as Chrifl toPeter Get thee behind me Satan thou Ei"nr"r fiat gut y > > Enid gut media, art an offenseunto me. Love is extended togood ; the more good there- h,ec ob fol"m (- fore any thing is,the more it is to bebeloved: But thou O Lord my God nem upped - (faith Bradwardine f) art the Geod of every good, good above all things media qua mc- that are good, a good mg$ infinitely infinite: how much therefore fhould I dia,dcca t tan- rationally love thee? fhouldnot my love be proportionably infinite? 1 would dot fcnem, nne I couldfo love thee: but bow fhall 1 that amfo very little and finite love thee auternfuvda- infinitely ! And yet without fo loving thee, howwill therebe kept any Brae mentum ipii"s, proportion in loving thee, who deft infinitely exceedall other lovely things ? t"ra tuia - 1 ought to love thee infinitely ae to the manner, though I cannot ad to the ati tati as7eotr uui- ofmy love, i.e. Iought to love theefinallyfor thy felf,or elfe I may love thee dee int,erere in force fort infinitely, ae to the Alf, both intenfively andextenfively; in debensto.lta e- foal( fort intenfively, i.e.more intenfel,, morefirmly, morefirongly than any uim,at ppa1m finite good, becaufe 1 love them but for thee. In Tome fort extensivey, by vpta f°rirualic E 2 comparing