Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. 1;<: W,A9WWWfAit14 What mull, and canPerlons do to- wards their ownConverfion? Ezek. >< 8. : _3 i. dF17erefore turnyoUrfehes,and je. Hewords are part of that ferious Exhortation begun in the 3o.ver. Repent and turn your (elves from alt /. your tran(greffions : continued in the 3 aver. CV away all your t r wfgrefons, and mall you a new heart anda newfpirit, and concluded in this verfe, " wherefore turnyourfelves; etc. - k In the former part of chierverfe,the Lord faith,I have no pleafure in the death of .him tha; dieth, I had rather men fhould come to the knowledge of the truth and be faved, thin die in their fins and perifh through their impenitency, wherefore, or therefore turn yourjelves. T:de Exhortation in there words, is back'd with a realon of grear,yea theigreatefi iirengih, viz Life, turn and live, that is, ye fhaIl livecom- fortably here,and happily for ever hereafter. There be four Propofitioats deducible from thefe words: I. That man is turned from God. 2. That it's rraans duty to turn, unto Godagain. 3. That th0:1004willingnef t that menJhould rather live thendie, fhonsld be a flrongArgument tomove then; to turn. 4. That thofe who do turnPull live. F 3