604 How /hall Merchants in forraign parts keep up Senn. 26. that a reproof may at the leaf' be well taken if not hearkned to, and that it may do the reproover no hurt, if it do the reprooved no good. 6. On all occafions exprefs a willingnefs to do for the heft ; to be- lieve as orders believe, and to do as others do, if you could fee fufLici- ent ground and reafon for it : and indeed this may be a great help and fecurity ; for obflinacy is ufually made one effcntiail part of ar Here.. tick, and then, he that is heartily -willing to clofe with every revealed trill'', may be in an errour but cannot be an Here ick ; and there- fore every expreflion of a mind not obflinately bent upon its taken up notions, nor doting upon its own conceptions, but inrichc with an in genuous freedom toacknowlcdge its miflakes, and own truth when once clearly difcov red, though former:y difowned , is like to much water upon: the fire of rag: kindled in the hearts of persecuting ene- mies to quenc`; or abaie it : for to the reafon of any that will but con - ader, it cannot but appear moil unreafonabie, to urge a perfon to be- lieve what he cannot fee any ground for, or to do what he would be willing to do, if it were not fin, that is a provoking God, and ha- zarding his own eternal welfare. 7. Be lure to ufe no means_ to fecure from perfecution or procure the enjoyment of publick Ordinances, but Irch as are well- pleafrng to a good, and a holy God ; 'cis not long fince it was the peculiar ho- nour of the Popifh Fir &ion, to depofe or murder Kings, blow up Par - liaments, fubvert States and Kingdoms, to procure their liberty, or fe- cure themfelves from fuffering : and if any other_ have ventured upon fuch praâices , I hope God bath taught them by his providence, what they would not learn from his word, that aflitaiotr is rather to be chofen than fin , and that 'cis better to wait upon him in the way of his Judgements ( that is, in a way of duty) than to out -run God, and think to fecure our felves by finfull and unjuflifiable cour- fes. Let thofe therefore who profefs to believe that their God is a God hearing prayer, and that bottles up the tears of his people, and is able to do what he pleafeth, let them account prayers and tears their beft arms, feeing they call in that God whofe power extends as far as his will. 8. Arm your felves with a fevere patience and a fteady refolution to bear leffer affronts and injuries; thofe Chriflians were in fuch a condition as we are now fpeaking of, whom the Apof'le mindes, that they had need of ?mime, Heb. to. 36. Let it be our wifdom acrlffre.to get a flock of that which will, be fo needful( for us, pa. tience