696 Hery fhdll Merchants in forraigr parts keep up Serin. 26. thy fell, that the wor{I which perfecuting enemies can do, is to de- Noy a corruptible body, but the worít which God can do is to de- ftroy thine immortal foul. Chrift armshis Difciples againtt fear of fuf_ fering by this confider,rion, Matth. i o. 28. Fear not these which kill the body, but are net able to bill the foul, but rather fear him which it able to deflroy both body and foul in hell. 2. Think how inconfiderable time is corrpa ed with Et;,rni,y fpend your thoughts upon the difference, vait and inconceiveable, between tl ofe two; the Apoftle tells us, That the fnffcringsof this prefent time, are not worthy to be compared with the glory which .hall be revealyd in its, Rom. 8. i 8. The 'Apoftle compares himfef to one that bath been cafting up an account, where on one fide he meets with ro hing but cyphers, or (mall petty fut ,mes; but on the other fide findrs thoufands and millions, and then cryes out,alas, the one is not to be compared with the other !I bus the Apoftle findes light and mosrncntany effdi ions, on the one fide, and a fear more exceeding and eternal weight of glory on the other fide, as we finde him expreffing him left, 2 Cor. 4,17. 3. Remember that the welfare of' the body doth depend upon the welfare of the foul ; not indeed in this world, for here his body may be well, and in good plight, fat and Nourifhing, well fed and cloathed, whofe foul is poor and naked, tick and wounded, in a fad and deplorable condition ; and on the other fide, a poor beggarly fick Lazarus, may have a foul fed with Royal and heavenly Dain- ties ; and cloathed with better Robes than Purple and Ermine; but then the eternal welfare of the body depends upon the eternal wel- fare of the foul ;'cis bound up in the life and welfare of the foul, as 7atol+s life is Paid to be bound up in Benjamins, Gen. 44. 3o. and therefore you cannot fecure the welfare of the outward man, by betraying and calling away that which is the life and welfare of the in- ward man. 4. Remember that you can fuffer nothing in this world but Jefus Chrift bath fuffered the fame, or whrfe ;Tl'e Lord Jefus arms his Difciples againfi fufferings by this confideration, soh. 15.20, and the Apoftle PgJ+l having experienced it himfelf, advifeth the believing He- Arezrs to it, Heb. 12.1,2,3. Looking unto 7eftu, &mac. Now this con- federation will fuggefi: to us, r. That the worst fufferings are no difhonour to us, feeingchrift Jefus the King of Kings hath born them. 2. That the grepteft fufferings do not freak us the greateft fin- tiers