Seth(. 26. the life of iteligion without publick ordinances.? 607 hers ; Chrifs fufferings allure us, that the purefl and wl;iteft innocency, may be dyed red in its own blood. 3. That the g'eai,eft fufferings make us never the lefs arniable'in the eyes of God, for then Chet Jefus the onely begotten: Son'of, Goal, in whom he was alwy well- pleafed , would not; have Xf Bred. 5. Wt can fuffr nothing but what our God, our Friend, our: Father, knows we fullr, and knows that a fuffering condLion is the. bell for us. When poor Çhrillians are kept by the bloody Iuqui fiti on in dark Ncrles and (:saves from the eyes of all the world,'dtey. c,rnnot be kept' 'from the eye of God, Rev. 'z. 13. I know .thy" and where thoat dwc1111, even where Satans feat is.; this was ;tbe.en- couragement tvhit.h Chriil gave his perfumed Church of Pergamai thy c,.ndr. ion is known to that God whofe heart is ai tender,_,as his . eye piercing; and whole arm can reach as far as his eyc, and whofe w if Tome knows how to dire& the fufferings of every beleever forhis own, his Churches, and that beleevers real good. 6. Be ofiun comparing God and creatures together,that great God who Puffers in, and with his fuffering people, and thofe little f -hall things called devils and men that bring fuf :rir:g, upon them ; make thy foul to know and underhand the difference between the little trifling bubble promifes of the world, and the great precious, folid and mafiíe promifes of God ; and let faith tell thee, that the threatnings of a raging Devil, a fiorming Nebnchadnezzar, or a fu- rious multitude, are but the noyfe of a Pot -gun, if compared with the thunder of Gods dreadfull Threatnings. Rememker what God faith to his affli&ed Church, Ifa. 5t. 12. Why 'art thon that thou Jhetsldei be afraid of a man that J1all dye, and of the fon of man which ¡hall be made as graft f and forgettefl the Lord thy Maker, 6.c ?Ina word, think thus with thy Pelf, man cannot do all chat he feems able to do, nor all that he refolves and boafis that he will do, but God can do all that he bath faid he will do, and he will do, for his fuffer- ing fervants more than they can hope or think. Let us heartily be- lieve that God can eafrly recompence us for whatever we may lofe for him ; but all the creatures in the world are not able to mike amends for that which Apofiacy from God wiìl deprive us of ;011 Sirs, could we but heartily believe this, what a furry temptation would perfecution be ? If this faith were flrong, perfecution would be exceeding weak ; if faith could fee, men and devils able to ,do nothing, and God able to do all things, then perfecution would be able