Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

45a8 Hom shall Merchants in forraign parts keep up, &c. Serm. 26. able to do nothing, and fuch a faith would be able to do, and to fuffer all turgs. And t hus I have fpoken to both the parts of this prad}ical Cafe of Confcience, and {hall now clofe up all with a word of Exhorta- tion, That it it be fuch a real ground of trouble, &c. then let us make it our earneft prayer to God, that our Land may íttlt be a Cofhtx and a Valley of Vijion, and not an Egypt, or the vale of the jbadow of dent that we may }till enjoy the Ordinances of the Golpel , and the com- pany and fociety of good men; that our lot may never fall among Ei.ekjels Scorpions, or pricking briars and grieving thorns, Ezek, 2.6. and 28.24. Let us heartily pray for that bleffednefs mentioned Pfal. 65.4. That the Lord may chufe su, and c4u1e su to appreacb unto bino,that we mory dwell in his Courts, and be fetisfied with the gooelnefs of bit boufe. How