Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Seim. 27. 6oq How is Hypocrifie difcoverable and cureable Luke 12.1. Firji of all , Beware of the leaven of the Fhari fees, which tit hy1ocrrf e, ,Hen our Lord and Saviour had finifht his hea- venly foul- fearching Sermon in the Chapter foregoing he came fo c!ofe in the applica- tion to the Scribes and Pharifees , a proud hypocritical! people, that they ( not able to indure their ps ide and hypocrifie fhou'd be fo found!y convinced and openly derected ) combined and contrived, (by urging and,54 watching, and catching words) to accule him and Rop his mouth at leafi, if not his breath. Thefe contrivances and JOhfl ZI'i'' pradtifes of theirs, were not unknown to him that knew all things, and what eff.'d it wrought inChrift, you find in this verfe of the Text ; he preacheth the fame things and in the fame manner and fharpnefs of Rile at the next opportunity. In the mean time, ;-,931s, faith the greek : in thofe, or in which rimes that they were thus plotting and contriving, Chrifi is boldly preach- ing the fame Dot&rine that they were pet fecuting; was as bold for the truth as they were politick againfi it. And in thofe very days, and in the rnidfi of thefe contrivements againft his preaching the people as much loved the Do nine that the Pharifees perfecut,d : an innumerable multitude were gathered together to fee and to hear him. A mgrs -ide too many thoufands CO be eafily numbred , flocked and thronged fo to him that the even trode one upon another : and then he bgrn to fay to his DII(iples (they wert =area to him, but fo as the people beard it,) and he taught