610 Row is h ypocrifie di(coverable Senn. 27, taught them ; and that was his intent, as you may fee verf. 40, 42. Firfi of all, Beware of, for the adverb is not to be joyzncd to the verb taught , but to the word beware, i, e. firfl of all is not ufed diflributively , but eminently ; as much as to lay chiefly , efpe -' on.I.8. Cully beware, &c. fo it is ufed by the Apollle : firfl l thank *7 God for you 41 ( that is chiefly ) that your faith is fpoke,n of through the world. Beware and avoid this leaven of hypocrifie wherewith the Phari- fees du &tine and conver±a: ion is fo leavened; take heed , beware efpecialy, chiefly of hypocrifie. In the Text is reprefented a pretious Sermon in it-s preaching, with the citeumflances of it. Wher,.in is obfervable, r The time, it was in that jundure of time when they had coon- celled and determined, but had not yet executed their councels, .a. The Preacher, (Anil} himfelf the great Prophet of the Church, in the exercife of his Prophetical Office. 3. The auditors, his Difciples and an innumerable multitude of people. 4. His firft Dc'&rine is, Beware of the leaven of the Pharifee t And this Doc`.trine is confirmed by Reafon, verf 2. and improved by in- ference, verf. 3. Many ufeful leffons might be commended from the other particu- lars, but my meditations are confined to the la1 }, the Do&tine, the caution , Beware of the leaven, &c.. and only fpend as much time in opening the Text atIr Da&tine as will let me in to give dire&ion, how to difcern, and how to be delivered from this dangerous leaven of hy- pocrifie : which is according co your delires unto me for your luth u- &ion in this particular. The words naturally yield you this Doecrine : Flypocrifte is a do: ero:a leaven,which Minif{ers and people are chief- ly and a ecially to beware of and acquit theanfclves from. Hence you have a Chapter of woes againft ir. And it is reprefented, as that which nen&rs odious to the Lord, and defiles his choifeft Ordinances, and our be% duties if it cleave Co them. 'cl And puts God to fad complaints and exprobations of fuch ä peo- ple : What ¡ball 1 do unto thee O yudah ? what fhull I do unto thee O Ephraim ? for your righteoufnefs is a a morning cloud: all íhew, no truth, uo showers. And .Dour. Match. 23. Efa.I .I t,í 2. Efa.66.3. Hof.6.4.