613 How is Hy potei f e di fc'overable Serm. 27. Mar.230. appear righteous unto men, but ivithis yore are full of hypocrife and t Cer,5,Ó,; iniquity. 2. Leaven is very fpreading, a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump : and fo it is a g eat deal of mifchief hypocr:fie doth, it lreads overall the man, and -ail hisdutics, parts, per tormances,leavens all as we may obferve, Efa. t.I 2,1 3, 14, 15, Efa. 66 3. 3. Leas en is ot a four tact, 2114.1 iegratelull finell;foishypocrifie to God and min ;1 pill /read dung upen _your facer, even the dung of Mal. 2. 3, your folemn afremblits :all were leavened with hypoerifie, and were accow,ted and favoured but as dung in the noflrils of the Lord. How Al}. 9. odious and loathf,.me was chat f rvter of Armenia, at ,d Saphire, both to the holy Ghoft and to the Church, becaufe it was leavened with hypocrifie. 4. Leaven is of a fwelling nature, it exterds and puffs up the dough : and fo doth hypocri(:e ,.it is all for the prai /e of men : the Scribes and Pharifees were all for preheminence, chier places, chief feats, chief appella ions, to be cal ed Rabbi, Rabbi : and if others will not admire and overvalue th- m , they will admire and adv::+nce Matth.18. themfelves : lam not at this pulrlicane. You are they that j&fife Luk.t6,,t4,r5.lour (elves, but God k,noreth your heart, for th t which 'sigh efftemed among men, is an abomination to the Lord. They highly e. {teemed of themfelves , they jufìifi,:d themfelves : they derided Chrift for not having the fame thoughts of them : P, id:: and vain- glory is the infepatable companion, if not the mother of hypo. critic. 3. Why is it called the leaven of the Pharifees ? Brcanfe they were leavened with it to purpofe, they were exact and tuperernfnent in this divelifh art of per`onating and counterfeiting to the life. The devil' indeed is the arch hypocrite of the world, transforming himfelf into as ingelí of light : his firfl -born in his g .-n.'f &ion are the Scribes and Pharifees ; his next born the 7efsites, fo like their predeceffors the Pharifees, that a man mly believe that aria looked fo farre as to them in March. 2.3 . and 11: ook at them through the Pharifees fides, that they were indeed the t) pes, but the Pope, Cardinals, Prelates, and Jefuices, the antitype, Theirpoârinesarea- like leavened, they both fec up traditions, fuperftirtous cuflotns and forms, againft and above the Word of God, when once they come in competition : they both would ordinarily fufpcnd and difpence with Gods commands, but moil rigoroufly itnpofe their own, and that sander form pxnalties ; and both upon the account of extraor- dinary