Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Senn. 17. Binary holinefs, and high aáings of devotion. And fo for their in vcr(atton, there was grofs hypocrite in all to be feen; prayed ners of the fireets, gave alms openly , disfigured thenifives that they Mat.6.4,5,6° might appear to fail. So the 7eítsites ( if we may beleeve fomne of themfelves being converted ) and many of the Secnlars ;hat know them well enough, affect the name, but hate the reality of true p piety and devotion. They would be accounted as Henry the 4 en in the faid of them, Tirnotleies at home in the Colledge , Chrrf ff om pulpit,and Aggrflinesin difputation, this they would be accounted, though it be names inane & crincen immane, they would have the name though not the thing ; for that is the nature of the leaven of the pharifees which is hypocrite. 4. Wherein is this leaven of hypocrif a fo dangerous , that Mini - flers and people, ought firfily, chiefly to beware of it ? A very little and briefly of that : There is great danger of it and great danger by it. There is great danger of it : i. For we hive the ground of the Jer.r9.9. matter in our felves hearts deceitful) above all things, and defperate- ly wit k, d ; who can know shy wickednels ? 1 the Lord parch the heart, and try the reins, &c. As if none befides the Lord knew the boctomlefs depths and deceits of the heart. In the heart are chofe tuffs and affe- di ens,that feed and foment all the hypocrite in the world : pride, vain - glory, concupifrence , carnal) wisdom ; were it not for thefe, there would not be an he pocri: a living. 2. The Devil' wateheth night and day to let fire to this tows, he is fitted to the purpofe, and filled wish raging delire, to comply with a filthy heart, and to ingender this fpurious off fpring of hypocrite. He bath in a readiness his wiles, and his depths, his baits, and his fnares; and for a talfe heart, h-.,th fR.fe ways, falfe Do &rives, falle fat hs , falfe f aion.s, ftlfe ends at d atns, vi.r caret (Pin , when two fuch be agreed to fuch a purpefe , hardly will they be fru. Pirated. 3. And that we may not he fecttre , there are before our eyes and in our view dreadful) examples : Bataan; a great Prophet , 7udas an Apoflte familiar wi h Chriíf : Saul, 7ehn, Herod, and Agrippa , fa- mous Kings: Five Virgins confpicuous and moll confident : Ananias and Sapbira eminent converts : 4lex ¡nder , a á d tender emai make a confefe fors, and in fome degree Martyrs : it may grieve hart cr, ible , to think what they became , and what is become of them. `i o teach him that íjandeth to cake heed lcail he fall , and all Iii' Z and curable ? 61,3