Serm 3. be dzfeoveredvid Mortified l 5i I. lybferv. That the ere, and the hand are excellent, and u[cft ! parts of the body of man. You fee here our Saviour Singles out there, from all other parrs, as being very precious, if thy right eye offendthee, &c. if thy right hand offend thee, &c. I. As the eye, our Saviour tels us, that it is the light of thebody : M2t.6.a2. the light of the body is the eye : what is the world without the Sun, but a dark melancholly dungeon ? what is a man without eyes ? but monhrous and deformed, monflreem korrendum inforre, cni lumen ademptam : the two eyes are two luminaries, that God hash fer up in the Mtcracofine, mans little world : when God would exprefs his tender love unto his people, he calls them the apple of his eye ; he zech.z.t. that totecketh yew, towcheth the apple of his eye : and the like phrafe St.Paul makes ufe cf, when he (peaks of the love of the Galatians unto himfelf, I bear you record, that if it had been poffible, ye mould have Ga1.4,t q. plucked out your eyes, and have given them to me. I have read of t he Em- perour Adrian, that with an Arrow, by accident, put out oneof his fervants eyes; he commands him to be brought to him, and bids hurt ask what he would, that he might make him amends : the poor man was filent : he preffed him again : he told the Emperour, he would as nothing, but hewifhed that he had the eye which he had loft; inti- mating that an Emperour was not able tomake fatisfaelion for the tors of an eye. Oh be very watchful over this excellent part l mak a covenant wit4 your eyes, Job.3 I.I. Shutyour eyes fromfeeing evil, Ifa. 3 3.15. Set u® wicked thing before your eyes, Pfal. I ÓI.3. as the Apofile faith in another cafe, Doti) not even nature teachyou : God bathmade a covering for the eye,that opens and (huts with a great deal of eafinefs,to teach us,t hat it is expedient fometimes that the eye be clofed, and not holden open to every obje&. z. As for the hand : it is the prime part for anion, Ariflotle calls it op}arOV öpyuvav, aninhrument of intlruments : without this, there could be no Cities, no Towns, no Merchandize, no Husbandry, no Manu- fadlure ; without this man would differ but a little from the bea/ls that perifh : for what wouldhis reafon hand him in Read, if he hact not an hand co improve it ? The Naturalifls obferve, that man could neither do nor fay,without this ufeful and necetfary part : for if aman did not eat withhis hands, he muh, as a bruit feed with his mouth,and by that r Leans the lips would become fo thick, that he would not be able to H z fpeak