614 Hors is Hypocrr f e difcoverable Senn. 37, of us to our dying day, to beware of the leaven of the Pharifees which is hypocrifie. 2. And there is great danger by it : r. The lofs of all that is done : Mar. 19. Chrifl will fay as to that young man, yet thou wantefi one thing fnce- rity: wouldit thou have Heaven too ? why then didll thou all thirgs 7. t Mar. for the praife of men ? thou haft thy reward, and arc over-paid : depart 3 Porn me you that work iniquity. 2. Fruflrating of hopes, great hopes, hopes of glory and Heaven, Job 8.1e. and efcaping eternal! mifery : all there hopes mull perifh to the hy- pocrite : perifh like a fhip at the very mouth of the haven perifh whiles they are crying Lord, Lord : perifh into everlafling horrour, and eternal) difpair. Luk. 12.2. 3. Full detet`tion, and manifelling of them in the fight and face of all the world for there is,nothing covered that (hall not be revealed, nor hid that fhall not he known: the vizor will be then taken off which was feigned fanáity ; and the face will appear which was indeed double iniquity, and for going about to coulin God, and the world, and his own foul, the miferable hypocrite will be left to eternal!, in- tollerable confufon. To be detefled, and derided by God, Angels and Saints; to be intuited on by the devils and damned to all e- ternity. Luk. r 2.47, 4. And in Hell the hypocrite (hall be beaten with many _gripes; for he knew bù Mailers will, and pretended he was doing of it, and yet did it not. Shall he that judged others to Hell lye lower in Hell, and have more of Hell than thofe condemned by him ? fhail it be Mar, s4. j1. worfe with a proud Pharifee than with a Publicane , nay a damned Publicane? is Hell the portion of Hypocrites? are they the free- holders, and all others but tennants and inmates with them ? or elfe if there be a worfe place in Hell, muff it be theirs? it mull be fo, for the nearer Heaven the more of Hell, and that will be the Hell of Hell to all eternity. Surely then hypocrifìe is a dargerous thing, there is exceeding danger of, and danger by this leaven of the Phari- fees, which is by pocrifie. lfe. I (hall, commend but One Ufeto be made of this Doctrine at this time, and it is the beware in the Tut. To )Fir and provoke you to put forth your utmof} care, diligence and circumfpedion, to beware of thin leaven of the Pharifees which is bypocrifse. Here t could Phew you how much you, are concerned to beware of the Pharifees leaven in do trinals , to beware of Dod}rines advancing