Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Sera% 27, and curable ? 615 advancing any thing in man, or of man : dodtrines_ that are derived from any ocher fountain , than the pure Word of God, as traditions, Enthufiafines, impulfes, betides or againit the Word : dodrines of will worship, fuperf}ition ,voluntary humility, &c. doctrines afcri- bing too much to, and laying too much ítrets on, externals in wor- fhip not intficuted by Chriit : dodrines of rigid impofition of things indifferent : dodrines that have a tendency to blind obedi- ence and implicite faith. Whoever reads the New Teflament, may fowl difcern fuch were their doctrines, and this is the leaven of the Pharifces in do trinals; and truly you had need to take care of this, o: doctrines and principles have no fmall influence on converfation and practice. But í fnall choofe rather to profecute this Ufe , by endeavouring to giye an Anfwer and refolucion to two Qzeftions, which together conititute a great and weighty Cafe of Conlcience. Q efl. How may we difcover and find out this feebtil clofe evil of hy- pocrifte, and convince our own and others fouls that we are guilty of it, and under the danger of it ? I mutt here first premife fome general Cautions, and then produce fome particular evidences and difcoveries of it. I ¡hall not meddle at all wich grofs hypocrifie which is ufually known both to the Hypocrite himfelf, and frequently apparent to others too. Some Tim.5.14. mens fins are open beforehand,going before to judgement, and fome men they follow after : But I fhall labour to trace out and unkennel that latent, clofe. and deep Hypocrifie, formally felf- deceiving Hypocrifier whereby the Hypocrite may coufin others, and himfelf too. Here z. I mull premife thefe Cautions and Negations; z. That hic labor, hoc opus, my task is very hard, my work difficult, Caution z: nice and curious; that it is very difficult to find out the hypocritïe of ones own heart, much more to convince others of the hypocrifte in theirs, for the heart of man is deceitful) above all things. And hence jer. t7.9. the molt ferious, inquisitive, jealous, and heart fearching Chriftians have to call God in to their help in this work, Search me O God and Pf. 139.23)24; know my heart, try me and ),now my reins, &c. Search my heart and try my reins examine whether there be any way of wickednefs in me. 2. That as difficult as it is, yet it is poffible and feafible : for we Caution Z. are not commanded impoí iibilities, when we are required to fearcb Lam. 3.4c,. and try our ways and turn unto the Lord : to examine our hearts and 2 Cori 3.5,,; to prove our felves whether we be iv the faith : whether our own hearts a Joh.3.19- cot aitmaa