6 t6 Hero ia Hypocri fie difcoverable Senn. z7, condemn su not David Hezekiab, lob and Paul 2 Cor. I. 13 theft all examined their own hearts,and attained thereby to a know. ledge and fenfe of their own finceri y. Ard we are not dueRed to abfurdi.ti, s, when we are cautioned to brware of men to take heed of chofe that come in fT9teps cloathing but inwardly are ravening I Cor.a. /I. Wolfes. And we a,e not herein bid to make Brick withouc!iraw, tor the fpirit of a man which is in him k.naweth the things of a man, and Prov.27.19. eu face an, /wereth to face in a glafs, fo Both the heart of man to man. Na we have a far greater help, vii. the Spirit of God which fearch- ICor.a.IO,II. eth all things, yea, the deep things of God. One of the extraordinary grits of the p.it in the primitive Church , and very neceffary for thole timef ( in which Saran was very bufie, and the Canon of Scrip - I Cer.r2.ro. ture not cumpleated ) was the gift of difcern;ng of f/irits ; fome Aas 5, think that by venue of this gift, Peter difcerned Ananias and S phira their hypocrifie, and afterwards Simon Magus his too, which Philip could not do, as not having that gift , or inch a meafure of it; but indeed there was no need of any extraordinary gift to difcern Simon As a. Magna by ; to any man that had reafon and but common illumina_ Lion, Simon Magus his hypocrifie might eafily and c'earl1' appear in than motion or his [Sell me this gift.] Who but an hypocrite could have thought it had been Co be fold? and who but an hypocrite would have offered money for it ? It was eafie to conclude him in the gall of bitternefi, and the hand of iniquity. And the Minifters of the Gofp,I have authority calling, and commiffìon ( and therefore gifts) to detect ano bewray the guiles and wiles, the depths and deceits .nd fnares o;' Satan much more . the working and turning of mens deceitful hearts ; and the Word of God ( which is the main and princip:ali we: pon of their warfare) )leb.4.I,. is quick and powerf ull , .e di fér rner of the thoughts and intents of the heart and it c.afs down imaginations, and brings inro captivity every a Cor.1o.9. thought to the obedience of ¿'hriff. Therefore wl il:= we have this Word and Spirit, it is p: ífìhle (the,ugl dftìc .:'t) to difcover the hypocrifie of our own fpirics and to dire& others to fnd out theirs. Catstio>s 3. It is not a poor fouls fearing and doubting his hypoc ~ifie, accufing and charging himfelf with ir, crying out of hirnfel: as a wretched man by reafon of it, that concludes and detern:inds he is fuch. See David in Pfeil. 5 r. io, i r, z2- charging himfelf fo; and the Church Ifa.63.i7. accut.ng her felf of erring from Gods ways, and having their hearts bardned from kit fear; and yet their own expr'eifìous in the Verles before,