Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Scrim. 27. and curable ? 617 before, manife {t the frame of their fpirics to be exceeding tender and Verf.15,16. humble. Holy Mr Bradford would many times fubfcribe himfelf in his Letters, john the hypocrite, and a very painted S. pilchre. Agar Fox his Alts one of the wife{c living, condemns himfelf for bei::g more brui- and Mon. till' than any man, and not having the Hnderflanding of a man. At:d Prov.3o.2. D..vid, neot the holieit and deveutelt men Iivi; g, upon an ordi a- ry temptation, viz,. the profperiry of the wicked, was very apt to charg: the wa' ,:s of God with unprofitablenefs ; Verily I have cic:1nfed rry he rt in train, and wafhed my hands is innocency ; but af- pfa1.73.1 ;. terwards feel g i'is e ruur he charpeth it fo upon himfelf, that he upbraids at.d condemns t +itrtelf for foolifh end ignorant, and a eery bean Verf.22. Wore God. It is ufuall with ire belt men to have the wort thoughts of th. mielves I. Partly, becattfe as God will give moil grace to the humble,. r. fo there is great need of giving more humility to thofe that have moil grace. z. Partly, becaufe where there is true grace, there is an infatia- 2. ble delire of more. [he children of God have never enough of communion with God, nor of conformity to him : they feldome look b ck and fay this thou haft; but iii:l preis forward to this thou hail not, and this thou m ifl. and this thou mull have. Phi1.3.1a,13. 3 And partly , becauf ac there is much difference between 3. faith in its direE and its refl :turd atì, between knowing God, and knowing that we know hie; betwee.i believing, and k.towtng that we believe : fo there is between having fincerity, and finding a feel- ing of it conllantly ; between not being hypocrites, and a confiant confidence of it ; which would amount to no let's than Lull affurance. This is not granted to all, and feldome to any at all times, that fo there may be a f afon for the exercife of other graces, humility, Pli; fear and trenib ing, fear of foilici ude, and di igence in making our 2 Per.r. calling and ekdior. fare. And chis is to be rememhred and obferv- ed, viz. Th +t God lises us never the worfe that Sa(an is fo much our en my ; l ut much the better, that by humility, lowlinefs of mind, and feif-d we Teem to be our own enemi: s. 4. Nor are they foul failings, nor dangerous fallings into Pars Caution 4.. fins (if a man die not impenitently in them) that do conflituve an hvpocrire ; in' eed raigning fin cloth. The falls of Gods people may. be Horrend,z temp f ates, & Pula ease fragia. The grievous tails of Gods people do evidence there is hypocrifie i>s them; hut not that tiny are hypocrites. David was guilty of adultery And murther, eaAd