Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

618 Horn c hypocri f e di(coverable Stmt, 27. and putt up with exceeding pride and vainglory, in the multitude of his Subjus, and ílrength of his Kigdome : but Davids repent- ing and riling again, cleared him from being an hypocrite, fo that the Spirit of God teflifies from his own rruulh, that he was upright, Vfala8. and ,(kept himfelf from his iniquity, i. e. from the raifn and continu- ance of it ; and rfter his fall he was called a man alter Gods own heart : Them haft not been as my fervant David, who kept all my I King, /4,8. Commandments, and followed me with all his heart, to do that only which ryas right in my fight. He Lord overlookt his adultery and manlier ; for indeed he had put away his fin (or made it pa fr over, as it is in the Original) that is to Chrifl Hez,Iiahs heart was lifted up and he rendred not according to the berïF ñt done unto 2 Chron. ;2. him ; but Hez,ekiah was humbled, and the wrath of God came not 2 %,111.011 6. upon him all his dayes ; he was not an hypocrite, nu he did that which was right in the fight of the Lord,according to all that his fa- ther David had done. So Peter denied and forfwore his Mailer, after many warnings, and many promifes to the contrary ; yet he repented and wept bitterly : his fall fhew.d him to he a weak frail Job 13.23. man ; but proved him not a hypocrite. `lob con', if d himfelf a finner, and that many, were his iniquities and tranjgrefons; bur Yob would Job 27.5,6. never confefs himfelf an hypocrite : no, he would keep his integrity till he died ; for it is not the falling into fin, or the being guilty of it but Pfal.66,18, regarding inigsrit) in the heart, that denominates an hypocrite ; other - R0,3, wif. all men were hypocrites, for certainly all men are (inners, all fhut up under fin. Caution 5. 5. Nor is itbackfliding into the fame finnes that makes a man an hypocrite : David had gotten into a way ®f lying to fave his life : vlz. z Sam. 2, r. in the 2.d verge he told one lye, in the end of the verfe another, and in the 8th vcrfe another. He prays that God would take from him the way of lying. And the promìf of mercy and par - zloLr4.4. don is not only to finnes, but backflidings, I will heal their 6ack- jet. 3.22 jlidings. And fuch, are invited to return to God : Return thou lack (tiding Ifrael, and brill Beal your backslidings. Behold we come into thee, for thou art the Lord our God. Indeed to he bent to backsliding is a dangerous figs of prevai'ing hypocrifie, and Net tome in this H.f.Ix,2,8,9, cafe fhall turn and walk after the Lord. We do nor read of the peo- io pled God, that they did revolt and backslide into the fame grofs finnes after repentance ; nor David into adultery nor Peter to £aintheartednefs, nor Paul to perfecution. But yet this may be fo, and provifion is made in that cafe, by the promife of healing backflidings,