Senn. 27. and curable ? 619 backflidings. Though it colt them dear to recover their peace,af- ter revolting into grofs Niles ; after pardon and peace fpoken ; and it will lye upon their confciences as an heavy aggravation of their finne and folly. Bur yet it loth not conclude that all was done r King, rr.9. in hypocrifie before, and that they were but meer hypocrites ; no Pfa1.85.8, more than Solomon,- falling and Idolatry ( which he repented of, witnefs the book of Ecclefa4es ) doth conclude him an hypo- crite when he built the Temple, and was the yedidiah, the beloved of the Lord. 6. Nor is it every degree of tendency to hyocrifie, that denomi- Caution 6. nates a man an hypocrite, and brings him under the condemnation to have his portion with hypocites. For there is the feed of this as well as of all other finnes in the heart : and the holy prophet ?eremj Jer.17.9. cries our, the heart ss deceitfull, &c. he meant his own heart as well as others ; and Solomon the wifeft man gives this advice, keep thy heart. Proverbs were experiments, his own, and David the devout - eft, faith, all men are liars, all deceitfull ; and there are the remains of hypocrifie in the belt, the, reign of it is only in hypocrites ; hypocrifie may have its perfence, but not predominance in the fincereft children of God. Thus you fee what doth not conclude an hypocrite, though it come very near. 2. Now I (hall (hew what cannot deer and acquit a man from an hypocrite, though it proceed very fairly, And very farre, which makes it fo difficult to difcover this leaven of the Pharifees, hypo - criCe. z. It doth not acquit and difcharge a man from this charge of hy- pocrifie : That they hear the Word with fome delight ; that they believe with fome faith, fo did she finny ground. That they take Matth.t3, _ Tome pains for it, fo did they ?oh. 6. "I hat they perform Tome du- ties in obedience ro it, fo did Herod, Mark 6. That they are morali and without blame in fome things outwardly, fo was the young Macth, 19. man. That they are zealous againi fome publick corruptions, fo was ?elm. That they have illumination and excellent knowledg, by a common work of the fpìric ;fo have the Devils, bads, and thofe apolfates, Heb. 6. That they had fome Tweet tails and rclifhes from the Word imbraced, fo had they in Heb. 6. and no doubt /humid; and Saphira had. Nor doth this acquit them and fer them out of danger, that they have tome ferious cares and ears about their fal- vation ; fo had Felix, fo had the frnners in Zion, they were afraid, 11'2.33 ,14. fearfullncfs bath furprized the hypocrites: they were afraid of dwel- Kkkk ling