620 How is Hypecri f e di fcoverable Seim, 21, Rom.8.1 y. ling with devotering fire, and everlafting Inrnings. ytidas and. Spiro had fears to purpoíe: and the fpiri, of bondage is tut ra cool rnon work of the fpirit, if it reft there , in Pharaoh there was tear belt nO fince- rity : in the Devils fear but no p. niter cy nor is it forne refed -A: cq1_ agin(i Panne by an awakened conic -er:ce ; Hered had fo, and Pilate had fo, BaElam fo : nor tnaiïy áefles of good, & elan dr fired ra die the death of the righteous, The five Virgins d fi ed Oy i : thea e be the drfrres of the floathf fill, that even kill them ; d,.fire: like the turniig of a door upon hinges, vev: r the farther off. iJefiris :;f die wavering man., the double winded man when a man h:iah j ò me rnird [o grace; bur more to Ìuft : as Au y ftine that Frayed fo, grace and chaflity, but his heart fecretly F,r, c the whit', not yet Lord. There may he powring out of prayers as the Nmvites, they tried mightily ; they powred forth à prayer when thy chafe rrg rwh th m and Set they biouFht forth bu. wind : When they IT fight him, and they return: d and enquired early ; fife Ciod; verthelrfs they did Ent fi- tier him with their neouth, anti lien to him with thr it tangoes, &c, Nor is it Tome hopes, Matt'uilt . L5 Job 8.13. Ltk, 18. Ii all this cannot fave a man from the g of typocriíe, and portion of hypocrites, what fhall ? If thefe corre fhort of Heaven, whore fball rh y appear that come farre fl.rirt of them ? Oh then who can he fav<d, atreight is the gate, and narr.w is the way that -leads to life, and few find ir. Salvation work is to be wrought out with fear and trerr6ling.. Beware then of the leaven, d-c. How then may we know how it is with our fouls ; whether we are in the number of hypocrites, and tending to their portion ? whe- ther this deiva lg,deftroying,predominating, damning leaven of by_ pocrifie be in us ? Si n z 1 A loving of the world, and the things of the world ; the loft of Pro 26.14. Jam t.6,^. keg. in confefj. Jonah 3.8. Efa.26 16,17. Pfa.68. i4,36. I,uk 13.24. Phil.2.12. oh.2.15,16. fie fh the lag of the eye, and the pride of life : this is a fearful) evi- dence of hypocrife, for it is inconfiftent with, and deftrut`i:ì.ve of, the Matth,22.37. love of God ; and the loving God above all things, is the very effence, the fnmma totalie of fincerity , and whatfoever contraries this, is the very ejence of hypocife. I know there be many fubterfugies and evafions, and it is an hard matter to convince men, that they love the world in St johns fenfe. But if a man make thefe lulls of the eye, of the flefh, and pride of life ; honours, riches, carnali and fenfuall pleafures, his aym,his interefl, his chief delight. If the heart and affections be let out to thefe things immoderately : lithe fweet- ain, freelt thoughts of tlaç foul, be let out to them ; tither about the getting,