Berm. 717. and curable ? 621 , or.defiring, or admiring , or advancing than. If the ac'tvtty and ind;.avours of the rout bend and are irnpioyed chacfly this way ; tit ii tv there may be many excellent pertortnan- ces, exprefiiuus, affinions, yet the leaven of the Pharifee is th::re, and foiws au and ad th,, refit is but in hypocrilìr. This leavened all Balaams pretences, divinations ; ì!1 las goodlyexpreflìoïs, and pro - fefli:.ns, both to God, the Angels, and n,en ; that be would do no- thing , fpeak norhiug but what God would have hire ; (.gis much as to lay, he would be uprilac,and finczre,) ti °c i ìll he looked alter Jude Ii. the reward ( protPott4n,) dis w,.s the errour of !salaam, he followed thew.ges of unrighteou1nefs : and this leavened all )t du his hearing and converting wn:h Chtittt , his over- officìouinefs. Some conceive from d u his killing Chritt in the garden, 'c. that he was more than oruinarily familiar sndofficious about hum and made more pretences of love and fervice to him but he appeared a painted fepolchre , an hypocrite ;. he loved the wages of iniquity, it was the world and hppocrifie were pred;imtn nt in hit;t ; and now he is gone to his own place, the place and portion of hypocrites : he was as it were out of rats pace , or in an others place all the while before : and this léavened all the Pharifees alms taiiir,gs, prayers, profeflions , and pretences ; :hey were covetous faith Ló nk.i 14 'Of,: and the loved tke praife of men more then the praife of Gad, )oh.i2.43.; fai_h another : and that is in cif: d}, h =.:y loved the favour of men, more _h n the f. :v:,urot Go.: t íh..>rt they loved the world, and i lohn 2 16. the love of tier Fath r rlwas not in them. T'tcre can be no ferviug God Mat.5.24. rns.w Ai :rnmon, it we cannot moderlie ,nd : ernperate aíf lions ho; h 1C"'7'27'3°' in ,he de'rres,in the affenir.,ns, in he life, itt the injo ymenrs, a; d moderate our cares -, nd g4efs in the lofs aiid wan.. of woe Id :y Things ; to have them as if we had them net , ta rejuyce in and for rhLm as if we r j yc..d not: to gti ve (.1 thcwatatiof theal as if we grieved no : seeing they are to us as tt .fiey wererpot; they are a 1che .tine, a repr, f,rltation that paffech o.tvay 10t- -world he not Gal.6.i ;. crue ified to iuz, and ive to the )( nrld, we are -{till in dang r of t' i7 g:cil of btaeraefs, this leaven of hypocrite. This is ex :titi >iihcd i:7 taie pews in Babylon , they would c -me to the Prophet and fit before him a,5 cds people (wwith much Teeming reverence and appoara ce of devotion and aff.&on) they h ar thy words brat ìh y will writ do Ezech 33.31. them , for with their mouth they Jkew much love , but'tN'ir he art goeth after their covetoufnefs. Th eior. as ; ou love , í ur í <;u s, beware 01 the love of the world , and let not your affenions on things be- Kkkk z low,