624 How is Hypocrifie difcoverable Berm. 27. Hof 7.Ia.. Z ach.7. 5.. Idoí. r o. r . 2 COr.I.I2. Sign. 5. Mat,r3 21. Luk.8. r;. Pet. r.7. Neb. rr.. 25,26,27. Mat.i624 God, if either praif: , g4.1, rent a .ion, nay ., ccel ratio, ui I good people ; nay if a mans end be to ft p the mouth of nacra cot,iccnce onely, or onely to avoid da;.g,er, and wrarl; to corne. Tilde n; ;=% he, the works bf a Saint , but et tilt trds of an k p, criïe. Ani einnis aCii.a nifi modificata d fane fti u avertere an: ittìt loader B. Lam fp4ke rtL4i :.ufly, multiplied Altars and Sacri5ces but his r d was not God, ;.-,uc tige ,wag,2s of iniquity. its ehn d::ftrnyc,i .4habs huu'e, ex:cut: d 'erg rance , Gods judgements acainfl that wicked Family, ref,lu ely and throughly deflroyed Baal, &_. but hs ends we car, al the ríyahlif nient of the Kingdom to Lirn,. and tii Fairiiy Ahab ar d the N nevites tai}ed in lackc!o th but -it w s meetly to avoid. Jì ju,'getrnent hreatned. The I /raelilet cued arse prayed, but they did but 13,134 for corn and.wine. The yews in (a,,,tIv ty fatted, but did you at all f -. to me , even to me , lairh the Lord. it Teems rude may p, a; and yet not cry to the Lord, tali, and yet : oc to the Lord. it is the envi dignifies , or d.baif.th the aáhon re6ifie, or' adultera °s it Look to your ends if you would not be h\, poet tes. It your end he 14= than Gird , his glory and Re :lit of In:. y. u are but empty Vinr s, and bring firth fruit to your (elves Simplicity in ones ends accompany fin. -erity thé at~li n,; whe nus fl../h/y vif!ome, but the grace of G .d carries and governs the a &i>r: in we may hove rejoycing, (1f: ail may be in !IN çocrifie. 5. If rhou canif not brirg thy heart ,o ft? ffer for , he- N.ar.ie of Chr =fl, when thou haft a go, ,d Caufe, and a goo:'. Call, and a, :onp!i the good people of God, though hv u her 'r the word , ana ref ei u. fil it with joy, for a time, yet- when perfecution arilth b.c ufe of tilt. W rd, by and by thou art (ff. -nded; i ,there be no more d:.: p rioting of i: in thee, 'but in temptation chou fa!1 awty, it is ,pparent t!y heart is.. but foray ground, and thou art leavened wits hyporrifir. If your air -h cannot hear the trial, if it be riot furnace t irh,tryed Í3i hit is not pre- cious faith, it is hur common tairh, counterfeit faith ; it :F;il rot he found to praire honour and glory at the appearance of fie Ch ifl : _, ; y if thou ranci not (in fonte cá f °ç) e hoot . ro f n ffer a fflitlion zrí h the people of God, rather than enj.ìythe pleafuresof fin for a leafon, andeileetn the reproach of Chrift greater riches than the t rea furet of Egypt ; it is apparent the faith and (ray heart is nor right , thou h;;it not a thorough re(eti to the recompence of reward, thou doff r.nr fee him that is invifible. it mpn that cannot will not dray felf, twat up hie croft, and follow Chrift , he is not a crue Difcipl _ o. Chriíi, and in çhe end will finde, that in laving his life be bath loft it. Satlan and