Serin. 27. and curable ? 62g anr? nt.cçt ilt tY ft be c yr reome l x the blood el (he Lamb, and by the Rev.12 1 r, r of the t: í4.0,3y, etn.i by 'lc loving our lives to the death, &c. and he t±,.). 1 t 'fb:ffir ;ti h ! h i ,tlynl nor reign with C.hrlit; and if trtbulaiiot, oc<s,í.,, n nitre to go out fror, say, it Li becaufe they wereRom.8.17' Mot of Ai, for if they had bun of ass, they would NO doubt have continued r Joh.2.19. with- He. Tlibt:lai<,n is the ioucht one., is will t!iüinguifìi fincerity from h } poi rifle : aid though it is true a h°.:pku ite may fon.-etime 1 Cor.13. fuff,r, yet he that will never fuifer, mutt be a hypcc. ite ; if rxe fvffer Rorn,8.17. no with hicn,we not reign with him. 6. If thou inibracell and favoureft any iniquity in thy heart ;if' there Sign 6. bean, corrupt lut`t, or ungodly may that hou art fo wedded to, that Pf41.66.18. thou csnfl not, wilt not be divorced from, but huggc i it in thy bo- fome, [Udell ir, plead dl for it, though it feem never fo harnilefs ai;d tolerable, yet if is be ag,intt Gods Law, though thou níao many prayers with the ?uw.r,and performeR many fervices, and. doeit tfa.r.16,17,t8. many things with Herod, and hall many glorious and gracious ex- Mark 6, preffions with Balaam, yet thou art in the gall of bittermf., and bond of iniquity. Thy heart is a divided heart thou art a double H^Lro.2. ssnf able perfon, thy prayers will not be regarded, and all thy fervices Jam,1.6,7. will be rejected by the All- Peeing jealous God, whom all thins Heb.4.13. are open and naked, and with whom thou halt to do, becaufe if thou regardef iniquity in thy h: art, the rife and root of all shy duties and performances, is but the leaven of the Pharifees which is hypocrifie. Me thinks beloved this fhould startle us, and I with is may, if any of you fhould be prick, at the heart, and tremble at this wsrdot God ; and ask me what /hall we do that. we may acquit our [elves from this leaven of hypocrifie, and be fasted from the wrath it expofeth us to ?I fhould anfver, 1. Strive to enter in at the fizraitgate, for many will feel, but fhall not Luk.13.24. be able ; that is, be very feriosu, and throughly refolved, and in- duftrious in a cafe of this weight and concernment, Be diligent that 2 Pet.3.14,. you may be found of him in peace. Set your heart to the fe things for it Deu.32.46,47.. is not a vain thing for you becaufe it is your life, doe. It is f . weighty a bufinef,, : hat it is work enough for all your life, and it will be your life of confolation from which will flow, peace, and joy, and afiu- rance. Make but this out clearly that thou art no hypocrite, that hypocrifie is not predominant in thee ; but that in fimpliciry and fin- cerity of heart thou hall thy converfation (not with carnal witdome) 2 Cor,i,12,. thou halt then occafion of much rejoyong ; but if thou art negli- gent in this, thy doubts and fears will hang upon and keep thee low,