6=6 How is Hypocrifie difcoverable Sertn, 27. low to thy dying day ; nay it were well if that were all, for to be negligent in this bufinefs,is as good as to do Nothing, for ir is to do nothing to purpofe, and that is ro have all thy work undone, and to be undone thy felt for ever. Moll hypocrites did leek to enter in; Balaam, Herod, the five foolifh Virgins, had they flrove they bad entred in at the fl:raic Gare. Wifhings and woulaiI,gs, and (loath- full defires to heaven will not place you out of danger of hypo- trifle, for very hypocrites bave done as much; but firiving indeed, fettirg your whole heart to ir, being very diligent to purge out this Phìl.2.t z leaven, working out your falvation with fear andtrembling, giving all diligence to make your calling and eletlion Pure ; this will piace you out of danger, and give you an abundant entrance into the Kingdeme of our Lord. If ever that of the Englifh Proverb be true, it is here, 4$ good never a, whit, as never the better. Indeed there is fo much work on our hands, fuch commands, fuch promil s to believe, fuch corruptions to fubdue , fuch temptaions to refill, the careletnefs of carnal failing in any of which will charge us with hypocrifì . So many fuch fubtle and powerful adverfaries to confli& withall, fuch a world, fuch a flefb, fuch principalities and powers, and fpirituall wickedneffes in high places,: fuch deceitful! hearts, deceitful! above all thìngs,to fearch,and fift,and purge from this,leaven,that it is impe- ifible to be free of it without mighty firiving, contending, and giving, much diligence. 2. If you would take heed of hypocrifle, take heed of fecurity. There are no greater flatterers, and no greater deceivers of them - felves and others than hypocrites, they flatter themfelves in their Pfal. 36.2. own eyes ; all flattery is dangerous, but felf flattery of all other molt dangerous, and of all others in the buflnefs of falvation mofi pernicious. It is the advice of the Devil, and thy own hypocrifre, to favour thy felf, fluter thy felf, hope well, mac. The advice of God is, Search and try your Wayes, examine your (elves, 2 Cor. r 3.5 Work out your falvation with fear and trembling. Yea call upon God to fearch you. It is a :ear of carefulnefs, and foilicitude, a trembling of jealoufie and fufpìcion, as to our own hearts not of diffidence, or defpair as to God, that we are dire &ed to. Had the foolifh Virgins had but this care, this fear, they had had oyl in their veffels, as well as Lamps. Had thofc glorious profeffours in Matth. 7.22. had but this jealoufie, and fufpicion,they might have efcaped that difmal fentence, Depart from me you workers of iniquity. Perhaps your faith may be but a fancy, your hopes but prefumptu- ous, 2 Pet.r.to)r r. Lam.;. ao. Phil 2.12. Pfal.13o.23. Job 8.13. v