Senn, z 7, and curable i' 6a7 ona a fpiders wet, perhaps your fruit my be but that of an empty HOLto.r. vine to your Pelf ; perhaps your prayers may be but howling: for Hof.7.14, corn and wine ; perhaps your failing may not be ro God, Commune Zach.7.5. much with your own heart, and let your firit make diligent fearch, PfaL72.6. keep you heart with all keeping ;be jealous of every thing your heart bath to do with ; your affairs, friends, comforts, recreations, thoughts, follitudes, graces. Oh bleffed or happy is the man that thus feareth Prov.28.r4. always, he !hall never do amifs, rhis is to be in the fear of God all Prov.g3.17. the day long; and this fear of the Lord is the beginning of wifdome, the Prov. r. exd of wifdome, and wifdome it Pelf, for this will make a man wife to 1 ebe12fit efcape the wiles of Sachan, and the hypocrifie of his own heart, and fo make him wife to falvation. 3. Keep God alwayes in your minder, if we have all from him, we Rom,i 1. tilt.; fhould be all to him ; If we live and move in him, our hearts and mindes fhould be alwayes on him. This is the caufe of all the wickednefs and hypocrifie in the world, men will not feekafter God Goalie notin all their thoughts. And this the ground of all the glori- praL104. ous performances of the Saints, they faw him that was inviftble, as I3eb.11.26,27 1Gdicaiab a f w the Lord in his Throne, and therefore feared not to deal plainly and fincerely wi :h Ahab, though on his Throne. When 1 K'ng2s.19 the Pfalmìfl had convinced and reproved the wickednefs and for - mal hypocrifie of ungodly prefumptuous men, he concludes, Now confider this you that forget God, &c, Intimating this to be therea_ Ptal.5o,2a. fon of all ungodly hypocritical converfation, a forgetting God. The remedy muff be contrary to the difeafe : if we would be no with God, and fo good hypo- God by faith. Acquaint thy fecrites, we mull much remember think of, and obferve, and eye lf Aril come to Job 22.21. thee. If men were acquainted with God, and did not forget him, ac- quainted with his Omnifciency, Pfd. 139. r,2. with his All.fnifici- Mic.7,18, ency, Gen 17, 1 . with the power of his anger, Pfal. 90. r r. the infinite - 19, nefs of his goodnefs, /f 55 7,8. they would conclude, and live under the awe and power of fuch coneiufions. Oh then he is too great to be tempted and provoked, too excellent to be fleighted and underva- lued, too good to be loll, coo wife co be deceived, and this would fup- `prefs and fupplant the leaven of the Pharifees hypocrifie.. 4. Be much and daily in the renewing faith and repentance. If there be fuch danger of hypocrifie, there is neceflity of renewing faith and repentance for fear hypocrifie may be in them. Rife and return as foon as thou art convinced.of thy fin, fo did Paul, fo _ did Ga1.1.16: Peter as foon as the Lord turned and looked upon him. If re- Lukéaa,ii.. Lill pentane