Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

628 How is hypocrlf edifcoverable Sertn, 17 lance were haflned after fin, and thou wouldeft take cue and pains to break thy heart conflantly for fin, this would break it from fin. A man flhould finde that it were an evil and a bitter thing 'o forfa&,e ?er. 2.r 9. the Lord, and that his fe ;r waß not in thee, and a broken heart God 'would not defpife, becaufe it is apparent tbac is no hypocritical heart. Val. 5r And though former faith and repentance may be counterfeit and hypocritical, yet enfuing and renewed faith may be found and fin_ core, and we have much ground to renew thofe arks, whole found_ ncfs and validity we have much ground to fufpec`t, if ail have been falle or fained, or partialfermerly, we have the more caufe in a new ad to give up and binde our fouls sincerely to ir, and this will free you from hypocrite. 5. put forth your greateß flrength and care to mortifie thofe lulls and coruptions that are th fewel to hypocrite, pride, vain- glory, worldly-mindednefs, felt -love. i h=fe are the fewel of h) po- crite, they beget it,and they nourifh it. If the love of the world, and worldly favour did not prevail much over men, there would be no hypocrite in the world ; and cherifh and flrengthen the graces which cannot confifl with it, but will be alwayes fighting againfl, and oppofing it, as love to God, humility, felt - denial , heavenly - raindednefs, mortifying the flefh, much communion with God, if thefe be in you and abound, you ¡hall not be barren nor oenfruicf ull, brat (hall make your calling and eleElion fore, and fo be out of the peril, yea and much out of the fear of hypocrifie. Eze.36.2;,26.- 6. Preis the Lord much and urge him aloft with the ptotnifes of Deut.30.6, a new heart, of cáreumcáfirrg Jour hearts, and caufing you to love the Jer.32.40. Lord with all your heart, of putting his fear into your heart. If he urge . and preis you (in his word) with his precepts, and your duty, do you urge and prefs him as much in your prayers) with his pro - mifes, fpread his own hand-writing and feats before him ; as An- mtr g.sonf:Chiguffine relates his Mother did in her prayers for hisConverfion ; rographa risa fay, Lord thefe promifes were made to he made good to fome, and irgerebat tcbi. why not to me ? I hunger, I need, I thirfi, I wait ; here is thy hand - writing in thy Word, and in the laft Sacrament, I had thy Seal affixed to it, I am refolved to be as importunate till I have obtained, and as thankfull afterwards, as by Grace I (ball be inabled, being convinced I am utterly loll and undone, if thou heareft not the defrres of the humble in this particu- Pstio,t7. tar,, and if thou doff hear and grant, I am fo well acqu::inted wit; my felf, and mine (W M heart, that I have nothing to