Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serra. 27. and curable ? 629 glory in , but I fhall wholly glory in the Lord ; and I do refolve and believe I (hall to eternity celebrate and magnifie the riches of the glory of thy Grace. Thy promifes are the discovery of thy pur- pofes, and vouchfafed as materials for our prayers ; and in my fup- plications I am refolved every day to prefent and tender them back to thee every day and if thou wilt have regard to them there and appear to be a God of truth to my foul , a poor creature that bath long feared tò burn in hell for hypocrifie, will be made fecured, and made happy for ever. I am refolved to wait upon thee and to caft my foul upon thee in this way , and thou haft adored me thou art a God of judgement; thou didit promife in judgement , thou kneweft what thou didfl in making fuch promifes , and thou wilt be a God of j dgewent, thou knoweft when and where to make them good, and thou haft pronounced Bleffed are all they that wait for thee ; ifa.3o.r . and on thee I will wait , and for this bit-fling I will hope and look. Aug.Confef. oh beloved, if there be but luch an heart in us, and fuch wrefllings, IiJÚ an a- as Ambrofe a told Monica , a foul of fuch prayers and tears (hould r m t an. r s- not pert(h, rwn petite. I could have added much more but if thefe Charae`ters and Di- rea`tions be carefully obferved, you will: beware of and (hall efcape the leaven of bypocritie. And that you may be carefull to obJerye them, Confider i. That the purging out this leaven , is the great care and butnefs of a Chriflians life, this will afford him fear and trem- bling work to his dying day ; this till it be done, makes the gate fo flreight,and the way fo narrow to life, that few finde it, and if it be Matth.,7.r3. done, renders all the fervice of Chrift ever after an eafie yoak, and a light burden. Matth.u.3o. z. This if it be done gives us aaaall pofheflïon of the Kingdom of God in grace, which confifis of righteoufnefs and peace , and joy in the Rom.1417. Holy Ghell, and adrniniffers an affured and abundant entrance into the everlafting Kingdom of our Lorá7efuo Chrift in glory. 2 Pet. x. cx. 3. This will prevenr the Devils everlafling intuiting over us ; is this the end of all thy praying and hearing, &c. and defying me? nay upbraiding Chrift , as a learned and holy man feared ; I have him I have gottee him from thee, for all thy blood, thy Miracles thy Go- BAP. fpel r by wooings thy befeechings thy knockings and ftrivings of thy Spirit ; for all thy illuminating ch :m and making them tafle of the powers of the world to come : I have coufened thee of them at thy very gates of heaven, and by my devices íhipwrackt them in the L i l l z very lC