630 How is Hypoen f e di fcoverable Se 37, very mouth of the haven. Oh I would not give the Devil occafion Bap. to upbraid and infuit thus againfl Chrift at the Taft day for the world. And this would prevent confciences gnawing and galling to e- ternity. What are all my defires, my feekings and knockings, prayers, falls, Sacraments, hearirg in Lafon and out of feafon waiting at the polls of Gods houfe early and late. Have ? for faken fo many fins, denied my felf fo many contents and pleafures, fubdued fo many lulls, born fo many fcoffes, fuff,Ted fo much in my body and ellate, and all for hell at laf . This would b the hell of hell ; and all this maybe prevented, if we would beware of the leaves of hypoerifie, and feriofly obferve thofe Charaders , and carefully practice thofe Diredions. 4. Confider the means you have long had and yet do enjoy, Gods adr?.irable forbearance and patience, a powerfull Minifiries in_ ceffant labours and pains, an awakened confciences clamours, and warnings; a danger, and evils (if you he negligent) intolerable; a reward (if you obferve the beware in the Text) eternall and incon- Leiveable; your life Ihort and uncertain your death appointed moil certain, and you know not how near; the world and the lulls there- Joh. 2.17. of ( even thofe that feed and foment hypocrifie) paling away and a Cpr.ds. that now is the accepted time, now is the day of falvation : And if you were ever ferious in your lives now be fo ; and if ever God fpake to your hearts and confciences , the Lord in mercy fpeak this , Be! wore of the leaves of the Pharifeu. What