Serin. 28. 631 Yr .{.r ab ..mir . What muff Chr itians do , that the influence of the Ordinances may abide upon them ? i Chron. 29. 18. 0 Lord God of Abraham , Ifaac , and I frael our Fathers : keep this for ever in the imagination of the thoughts of the heart of thy people, and prepare their heart unto thee. N the preceding Chapter we have Davids O- ration, or if you will his Sermon, the defign of which was, to excite the people to a contri- bution for the erecting of a Temple, and pro- moting the publike worfhip ofGod. It begins verf. 2. of that Chapter, and is continued to the 6th verfe of this Chapter. This Sermon was effe&uall upon the audi- tory ; David had the happinefs ( which the bell Orators, and moll powerfull Preachers often want) not onely rá ? ?HV, but 7rsfaely he not onely fpoke what was in it felf per - fwafve, but did adually perfwade his hearers to comply with his de- fign. The effe& thereof isexpreffed verf. 6,7, 8. they offered , and (which was the marrow and fatnefs of their offering) they offered willingly. Though will.worfhip be the word fervice of all other, yet thofe that ferve God willingly are the belt worthippers ; and there- fore David in this Sermon commends fuch fervice to his fon , chap. 28. verf. 9. And thou Solomon my fon, know thou the God of thy father, and ferve him with a perfeEl heart, and with a willing mincie. None ferve God with a perfect heart, but thofe who ferve him with a wil- ling minds ; ro fuch a temper were the people wrought by this pow - erfull exhortation, verf. 9. with a perfco`t heart :bey offered willingly to the I M r