What fhould Chriftians do, that the influence Sera. 28. kécps it not onely brings forth fruit, but perfifis fo doing. The more tender, humble, and fpirituall the heart is, the more fpirituall frt:E and' advantage doth it reap from the Ordinances, and the longer d.th it continue in poftefGon of thofe advantages; the lefs the foul is renewed, the more refifIance both it offer to the Ordi- nances ; and the more they are refitted, the weaker is their efficacy and the lefs their efficacy is, the lets while doth it continue. A heart throughly fanthuied, is to the Ordinances like tinder, which foon takes fire, and is apt to keep it till it be forced out: whereas a cárnall unmortitied heart, is like green wood, whole moianefs giving check to the a&ivity of the fire, is not loon kindled, and will foon go out, if it be not well lookt too. Naturalifis obferve, that tranfmutation is eafie in fymbolicall elements, fuch as agree in fome prime qualities : water is moxe eafily turned into ayr than into fire. A holy and fpirituall heart will be eafily wrought on, by holy and fpirtuall Ordinances ; for here'is an agreement in qualities ; and the more agreement the lets oppof cion , and the lefs the oppolii- tion is, the more eafily will it be maltered ; the power of the Or- dinances will more eafily both take place and keep poffefíion. Ho- linefs makes the foul both receptive and retentive of holy im- pretiìons. Make it but your great bufinefs to grow every day more holy ; and it will not be fo hard a matter, to have the Or- dinances work effectually on you, or tò have their efficacy continue with you. 2. Labour to be much affefted with the Ordinances while you are imployedin them. Sleight imprefiions will be foon worn out : and weak influences will quickly fpend themfelves and vanifh. If the Ordinances have but little effeet upon you, while you are under them, it is not like to tall long : for that which is little is near to no- thing, and that which is fo near to it, may foon come to nothing. It is not enough that your hearts be a little warmed, but they mutt burn within you, (Luk. 24. 3 a.) while Chrift is fpeaking to you, or you are fpeaking to him ;if you would have that heavenly heat to Wafting. The good feed mifcarried upon one fort of ground in the parable, becaufe it had no deepnefi of earth, Mat. 13.5,6. it quickly withered becaufe it took, no deep root. If the Ordinances pierce no further than the furface of the foul, if the work of them be but fuperficial, if they do not penetrate into the depths of the heart ; the efficacy of them is not like to continue. Therefore pre - pare your hearts beforç you draw pear to God, get them fo dit