Berm. z$. of the ordinances may abide upon therm ? 635 fed as they may be capable of Iaflir,g influences. The Text direct us to this, O Lord keep this for ever in the imagination, &c. and pre- pare their heart unto thee. Then is the heart prepared to tht Lord when it is made tender, and fenfible, and open. Bring tender., earls to the Ordinances , get them broken up bef'orhand , break up your tallow ground and low not among thorns, Ter. 4.3. Hof. 10.12. A tender heart drinks in divine influx nLes, they infinuate themfelves more ea61y into the intimate revelfes of it. That which can make no impreflion at all upon a Flint will fink deep into foftned wax. Come with fenfible hearts, spprehenlive of your fpiritual wants and necefíities , burdened with you r lulls, and corruptions ; pained with your inward diftetnpers and foul- grievances. I cannot com- mend to you any thing more cff :ftual to make you capable of great and lafling advantag s. Such a quick fenfe of your fpiritua! condition will open your beans, and make them ready to receive fo much from the Ordinances, as will nor be loon fpenc. Open thy mouth wide and I will tilt it , Pfal. Si. IC). Now it is d: fire that opens the heart, and the iironger the defire is, the wider is it open- ed : then is the foul wide open, when it pants and breaths after God, when it hungers and thirfts after holtnefs, as appears by equivalent promifes, Pfal.107. 9. Math. 5.6. B efffd are they who hanger and thirft after righteoufnefs : for they Jkall be filled. That which we g t by holy duties, is foon ipent becaufe it is fo little : and we get fo little, becaufe we defire no more. We come to the Ordinances bin- /man; canis ad Nihon, too like the .Egyptian dog, which laps a little as he runs by the fide of Nilus, but flays not to drink : we rake but a tafle of them ar in tranfirts, too little, and too curforily ; when - as Chrill invites us ro eat and drink abundantly, Cant. 5.1. Such curfoiy tails may (hear you a 1 tile, but they will rot furnifh you wirh Iirength for continual fervice :you mull feed and feed hungrily, and come"wil h a t}rong ppecite, that you may be capacious of much; a little wilt nor ferve you long. 3. Mind the Ordinarces after your de et* them, be much in me- ditation it you would have the efficacy of Ordinances to continue long. Be often confidering what you have heard, what you have prayed for, what you have received and are obliged to by the Sa. cranent . Much of Heaven and ho'inels, is engraved on thefe Or. climaxes, and the Peal is as it were fet upon the heart, while you are M m at to under