Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

636 yyhat mutt Chriftians do, that the influex,ce Series.. i8, under them : but after - confideration 1<1ys more weight on it, and impreffeth it deeper, and fo makes the chara&ers both more plain and more durable ; for the deeper they are the lor:g.:r will it be, ere they be defaced. Mof} men lofe their fouls, and the belt men lofe great advantages for their fouls : for want of confderation. There is a quickrang, a healing a comforting, a ftreng:hnir g venue, in th, Ordinances and this vertue may tall upon your souls while you are imployed in them : but ,you cannot expect it will flay with }ou, unfets you fix it there, and no better way to fix it, tlì to confideiation. This will rotsze it up when it iyes dormant and. u,na t ve ; this will put fpirits into ir, when h grows weak and languid, ; this will both dif. fufe and fallen it yea it will heighten and improve it. 1t<y hea: pas bot within me (faith David, Pfal. 39 3. -) while 1 wad rnsrjÇ the fire burned, TI :e heart takes fire at the mind, and it is arming ut confideration that kindles ir, and keeps it in, and bows it up : thole fparks which fall from heaven upon your hearts while you are hearing, or praying, c-c. they'I die, they will go out, and corne át'xc0.7rp r, 2 Tim. i. 6. unlefs you b'ow to nothing unlefs you do them up by meditation. He feat forth his Word and healed them, Pfal. 107.20, The Word bath a Calve for every foul- diftemper, but that it may be cfHtual, the plaifler muff be laid on, and kept on too, till the cure be wrought ; the Preacher may apply it, and lay it upon the diflempered part, but it will not be kept on wirhout medi- tation. How fweet are thy words P to my tefte, faith David, Pfal. 119. 103. How carne they to be (till fo fweet ? why, they were hie meditation day and night, the delicious relifh of them Bill continued, becaufe he kept them ílill upon his palate, by ruminating and muffing on them. The Word of God in Scripture is as honey in the combe, there's that which is incomparably fweeter : now by meditation you fqueeze out this fweetnefs, and it will be Bill dropping comfort and fweet refrefhment upon your fouls, while you are preffing it by confide- ration. i Yohn 2. 14. 1 write unto yon young men, because ye are flrong, and the Word of God abided; in Jon. It you would be strong and continue fo,the Word of God muff Abide in you ; now bow can it abide in you, if it have not leave to flay in that, which is but the portal of the foul, if it abide not in your mindes ? You lofe all for wantof confideration, both the gracious arid comforting influences of