Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

640 What muftr Chriftians do, that the influence Sean. 28. floathfull foul is finite loft, and meerly thrown away upon it, `Prow. I2. 27. The flogthfull an r941eth not that which he tong in blotting. So he lofettr all his former b.caufe he will nqt take a little more pains ; a floath ull foul lofech all the advanrag.s he gets by following the Ordinances, for want of care and cnduflry to retain and improve what he bath gotten. 6. Comply with the Spirit of God. Thefe influences both as to the rife and continuance of than are from Jurn. When you comply not with him , you grieve the Spirit and provoke him to with raw; and when he withdraws , thefe influences will be difcon tinned. If you detain the truth in unrighteoufnels, if you confine it to your mindes fo as the power thereof defcends not upon your hearts and affe tiors , comes not forth in your lives and aehons, you do Pori)d e , imprifon the truth , and that is a gre-tt affront to the Spirit of Truth. If when the Spirit of God calls you ro take up the Croís, to leave all to follow Chrifl contentedly and cheerfully in a low reproached affh &ed condition ; or if whet:+ he calls you up to a higher degree of f if- denial' , mortification and holinefs; you hang back or turn afide and refufe to follow his conduct, this grieves the Spirit of holinefs. It you decline his it:ítiu ions for other devices , íhr ink beck from the work you are engaged to when it grows hazardous ; !train your confciences to fecure your outward enjoyments will not be influenced by him further than is con - fiilent with your cafe, credit, fafety and worldly interefl, you dif honour the Spirit of wifdome. This provokes the bleffed Spirit to withdraw , and when the fire is gone the heat will not long con- tinue. If you refufe to continue under the influences of the Spirit in fome things, its right :ous with him not,to continue them upon you in others. If you fear the difpleafure of man more than the grieving of him , if you lean more co the hopes of this life, than his fupports, and confult with fle(h and blood inflead of being direded. by the wifdome which is from above ; it will be no wonder if he give you over to your own conduft, and intermitting his own , leave you under the influences of your carnal' fears , and worldly hopes. 7. Be frequent in the ufe of Ordinances , good imprelfions do mo1h.nfualty wear off in the intervals of holy duties , and the longer thefe are, the more danger there is, therefore ma.he thefe interims as Aaort as may be by quick returns rro the Ordinances. It is