Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

Serm. 28. of the ordinances may abide upon them ,? 641 is obterved that places under the line are not fo hot, as`fome climates at a further diiiance from it; and this reafon is given for it, thofe under the equinoctial though they have the Sun more vertical, and the beams falling perpendicularly, caufe a more intenfe heat; yet the tights being of equal length with the dayes, the coolnefs of thofe long nights dotti more allay the heat than where the nights are fhorter. Long intermiffions of holy duties are like long nights, you may iinde ttiem by experience to he great coolers ; if you live under more powerfuli Ordinances, than fcme orhers, yet if they be more frequent and di igent in the ufe of what they have, they are lake to have more fpiritusl warmth than you, and that with lefs allay and intermtffion. Betides when the advantage you have got by one Ordinance is lecliuing and wearing off; the ale of the fame, or of tome ocher, may revive and recover it,if }you take it fpeedily be- fore it be too far gone. Further, a flieght impreffiion, fuch as is not like to all long may be rtiinforced for a longer continuance, if you lay your ielves quickly under the inffrument that fiat made ir, When Elijah had once :afted of the provifion the Lord made for ham in the Wildernefs,he laid him dowi faith the Text, as having enough but the Angel calls him to it again, for faith he, The journey is too great for thee, t King. 19.6,7. Hereupon he arofe once more, and did eat and drink, and went in the flrength of that meat forty dayes, and forty nights, verf. 8. Once tailing will not ferve your turn, a little will not be enough, fo long a journey as yours is will fpend much ; nothing but a frequent, an often repeated ufe of the Ordinances will furnith you with fuch ftrengch as will tall you many dayes. 8. Finally, Lookup to God for the continuance of this influence, pray, and pray in faith. Seek him and depend on him for it, He will be fond of thofe that feek,hir, Match. 7.7. You have his promifefor it and dependance on him, ohíieeth him too, the expeaatien of the poor 'hall not perm,, P.M. 9.18. it is not for his honour to fail thofe, whom he bath incouraged to rely on him ; an ingenuous man will not do it, much tels the faithful; God. This courfe David takes in the Text, he prayes and encourageth his faith while he is praying by that interefl, which he faithful! have in the Lord by virtue of the Covenant, O Lord God of Abraham, Ifaac, and I[racl ow Fa- th >rs.keepthis for ewer, yea th,e Lord himfelt leads us to this Dent. S.24,27,29. the people were much af`e ted , in that they had heard