Annesley - Houston-Packer Collection BX9327 .M6 1664

642 What fboal t Chrifitians do, tbat the inltaence Senn. 28, heard the Lords voice, e'trf. 24, this brought. theca up to a nohk re- fo''ut.ion, verf. 27. Speak thorn unto us, All that the Lord our God fhwll ffreak.unto them, and we will burr it and do it: H _reu,on the L4:rd thus expreffeth himfcit, verf. 29. Oth,4 tlae '- were filth a hedrtin them, that they would fear me and keep my Comxriandtrr.ents alwayes, &c. What greater incourageOent can we have to d fire this of God, than that he exprefLth himf -1f defirous we fn. u:d have r ? Far h is the main f}rengh of prayer, and the gr- °at fupports of faith are (tide two, that he is able, and that he is milling. The fe art- co fat h like the two pillars of the Temple, i Kings 7. 2r, and the r,^ :nos of th. m (There expreff.d) are very app,,fi . He fer up the right pillar, 41,d called the name thereof will et}ablifh, he is willing. and he [et up the till pillar, and called the neme thereof Boaz ¡, iu him is ftrength, he is able. Now faith hach both thefe pillars to fupport is in this bufincfs chat the Lord is able to coati: -:tie his in- fluences, you will not qu ft+on I hope, He is able to do exceeding a- bondantly above all we ask or think, according to the p::wer which workethrn us, Ephef. 3. 20, and that be bit willing, he p:. ;t it our of qu.flion, when he ufeth fuch an exprefiïon, asamongit. men, fies, a phfiìonate delre. O that there vv,re fuch a heart in them .0.c. now (faith the Philofopher) 77' 34A11 tÿ d'vùanu, &c. that which one is both able and wilding : o do, (hall be done. Bob re+fon and faith fee ground enough to cor.clude this. Pray hen, and pry, be- lieving, for as the Lord is able to do it, fo it is according to his will, and wnal foever you ask according to his wül, be!ievirg, it (hail be done, Matth.2t.21. Thus much for what you are to pra &ice; there are Tome things to be avoided, if you would have the infl_+.nce of the Ordinances to be lulling, there we Ilia ll comprize in four pars iculars. Firl }, Take heed you perform not holy duties negligently, a heart - lefs, formal,_ negligent attendance on the Ordinances , will be fo farre from procuring a durable Melling, that it will fix a curfe upon you, Ter. 48. 10. Curfed be be that Both the work, of the Lord negli- gently,fee Mal. 1. 8, 14 If you invert the Apofiles advice, t Cor. 7. and deal with the things of God, as you fhould do, with thole of the world. If you pray as thought you prayed not., and hear as though you heard nor, and ufe the Ordinances as though you did not uft' them : they will be no otherwife effeetual, than if there were on efficacy in them, it will continue on you as though it continued not;