Serm. 28. of the ordinances may abide upon them ? 643 not ; like that of the Sun in a Winter day, which thaws the earth a little at noon,but fo as it is harder frozen up the next night. There- fore let your hearts be ingaged in every holy duty , 7er. 30.2 i. Whe is this that iingag. heart to approach unto me. You mull hear as for life, Dent. 32.4u,47.. Set your hearts unto all the wards which I tefi fie among you this dray, &c. For it is not a vain thing for you, be- caufe it ïs your life, &c. you mull wreflle in prayer, your hearts in this duty fhould be as it were in a conflict, in an agony, a- u /)taíat. is the Apollles word, Rom. t 5. t 3. Now 1 befeech you brethren for the Lord lefus Chrifts fake, and fore the love of the Spirit, ye fir/ye together with me in your prayers to God for me. Your prayers fhould be fuch as the other Apoltle defcribes, lames 5. 16. The effetlual fer- vent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, the word rendred ef- fectual fervent, is ivies iv Now Æ/ipy (suyt.a- is one poffefTed with a fpirit,anda&ed by it. If th a word here ufed look that way, then fuitable to the matter to which it is applied, it imports a poffcflìon in a good fenfe. And A;icris i p)/uk/ >1 will be a prayer full of che holy Ghoil, wherein that blefr_d Spirit is operative, exerting its force and energy. Such a prayer as (hews the foui to be pofTeffed of the holy Spirit and aeted byit, fo as all the powers of that foul are let a work, and put upon motion towards God e ffe wally. Such a prayer availes much, procures great advantages, and of long continuance. Generally in all holy Ordinances your fouls fhould ftretch out themfelves to reach the Lord, they fhould fpring up to him in aCts of love and defire, and clafpe about him with delight and compla- cence, and lay hold on him with a humble and filial confidence, and iiir up themfelves to lay hold on him. We do all fade as a lea e faith the Church, IR. 64.6. (both their perfons and their righteoufnefs did fo) and the reafon thereof follows ver. 7. There is nonc that ftireth up him - felf to take, hold on thee. Secondly, Beware of the world, meddle not with it .more than needs mull ; and when it is needful! ingage not therein, but with fear caution and vigilance. Carry your felves among;} worldly object, and employments, as though you were amongil cheats and thieves : they have the art to pick your heart lily, and to rob them of that which is more precious than Gol.!, when you little think of it. Let not your minds and hearts plunge themfelves in the world nothing fooner, nothing offner, ex:inguifhe:h divine infla_nces N n n n than